#4: The Galaxy Pub
The Galaxy Pub is okay, but not the kind of place you'd take a date. At least not a first date. Beer selection is limited but it's good and cold. Mixed drinks are available on an ad hoc basis and you can bring your own bottle if you feel like it. The entrance looks a bit foreboding in this picture but inside it's comfortable, if a bit hot. You'll rarely find tourists or ex-pats cluttering up the place so if you don't speak Khmer you may have to rely on the Universal Bar Language- in other words, pointing at someone else's beer and slamming a couple of bucks down on the counter. The owner lives upstairs so the hours of operation may (read: do) vary. Sometimes it's not open at all, other times it seems to run all night. They claim to have the only pool table in town, but that's not really true any more. The Galaxy Pub is located on Samdach Preah Sihanouk boulevard in Phnom Penh, only a couple of blocks from the Independance Memorial.
Next: The G'Day Mate Bar