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Messages - Devil

Cool Lise! Curious...why the heck would you leave Australia??? I have never been there, but heard so many nice things. Did you know Fernie, BC in the winter has a Australia social club? They come for the boarding and have started their own little group. Basically, they can drink anyone under the table...except a Newfoundlander! I met a few there, crazy funny dudes!  
Isis wrote:
There's just something about being under you Devil that cranks my wheels.....

Morning all![/DIV] Isis...
Hi Lise! What's Ozland?? Australia?

The fireworks competition on English Bay are pretty beautiful.

I am all tanned this summer so far. I have been careful not to burn, lots of lotion and tea and a guitar.  
Morning purelife and everyone!!!

  Hi Russ! Its not a huge lake, but it is big enough though. A few Km. by a few Km. or so?. I think it is ok there is no motorboats. It is so quiet and nice. Motorboats are good for the bigger lakes.

Stampede is ok in some ways. Free breakfasts every morning. Next week our office throws a free breakfast for anyone. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, champagne OJ, and live music. That is what I like about Stampede, the food. But if you want to go to a nightclub, or a sponsored bash, you have to be in by 3 in the afternoon, or you are usually s.o.l.!   But for me,  July comes, I just want to be in the mountains.

I imagine the Hotel prices are crazy.  
It is south of Invermere, and east into the Rockies from Canal Flats. It is so nice up there.  A lot of old growth Spruce Trees. Serious mountain peaks. The lake is like ice cold, but clean, and nice on a +30 weekend. No motorboats allowed, so it is a little different scene than Kalamalka. White Swan is only 3 hours from Calgary too.
Discover Seattle! / Re: DUDES
Jul 05 07 07:30
My bong still has 1990s dust on it....ahhh! But don't let me stop anyone else.

Bong away....bong away!
Hi P.C.!!!

Actually, in an air conditioned office most of the day today so its really no big deal. The heat feels actually pretty awesome in the evening. Shade is always nice though.

Stampede starts tomorrow. I think a couple buddies and our kids are going to White Swan Lake, BC to go hiking and camping this weekend. I don't like being in town during Stampede. Too much country music, and too many drunks on the roads.
ok, at first the sunny weather was nice, now it is just getting too hot...over the 32 mark today here. Thank goodness for shady backyards!

Happy July 5!!
I guess we can agree to disagree then? Not a big fan of that...I think he was a man??

I would rather have the queen on my money than any Trudeau family member. Heck, I would rather have Dave Chappelle!
I am off for a sunny stroll! That sounds good too purelife!

*hugs and stuff*
Hello! Sunny and hot here too. Its been sunny all weekend too. Supposed to get hotter too. I forgot, Stampede starts Friday, I may have to evacuate town! I need a BC lake I think.
That sounds good purelife!

See Michel, purelife and I wanted to meet for a coffee, hot dog, conversation for a couple years now. You two can still date though, I won't get in the way. I just want to drink coffee...ok...can't guarantee I won't flirt either!

  Lunch today for me is leftover spag and garlic toast.  
Sportsdude wrote:
woot! Put Pierre on the 20!  


....oh...were you serious?? and you want to move to Western Canada??
G'morn Lunchers!

Just sipping coffee and looking at the bright blue sky out if my window. Such a crime being in an office today!  
I think it bugs tenk when we say Happy 4th! Too bad! HAPPY 4TH!!

just buggin' big guy.

I just want to say this. Traveling through the western USA and living there for a year, I have met many cool people. Some became my family to this day. I was very welcomed most places I went.  I liked the prices too, I am not sure if groceries, clothing, other goods are actually cheap there? Or just crazy expensive in Canada?

  Anyways, for whatever reason you will, or will not celebrate this day, hopefully our American bros and sisters get some time off of work to hang with the buddies or family...or just catch up on sleep!