So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Well, Michel, you never asked me out.


Good morning all.....nice to see the sunshine today.  I'm heading outside.....don't want to miss
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good morning, everyone!  It's just gorgeous out there.  Be careful in the sunshine...we aren't used to this stuff!
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


That sounds good purelife!

See Michel, purelife and I wanted to meet for a coffee, hot dog, conversation for a couple years now. You two can still date though, I won't get in the way. I just want to drink coffee...ok...can't guarantee I won't flirt either!

  Lunch today for me is leftover spag and garlic toast.  


Hello! Sunny and hot here too. Its been sunny all weekend too. Supposed to get hotter too. I forgot, Stampede starts Friday, I may have to evacuate town! I need a BC lake I think.


Spag and garlic toast sounds delicious, Devil. :))

  Lunch for me is tuna with mixed baby greens with avocado and cucumber.  

  I don't think that I'll be out much today....unfortunately. :(


I am off for a sunny stroll! That sounds good too purelife!

*hugs and stuff*


Well, Michel, you never asked me out.

I was kidding of course. But it would be great to see you one day, maybe buy you a White Spot sundae (if there's one near the office) as a thank you for your virtual help? I have to thank Orca also but she disappeared from the Net.

Devil you wanna flirt with my PL, you're a dead man ! eheh

  Just kidding again.


Maybe one day.  I'm not too keen anymore about meeting new people these days, but a milkshake from White Spot sounds yummy.  There is one near Robson and Thurlow beside that Starbucks.

  P.S.  You were kidding... gosh, you broke my heart.  


 LOL, I'll behave from now on (but it's gonna be boring), little scared one.[/DIV]


LOL, I can be extremely boring too.  Wanna hear my life story?  Or how I'm thinking about getting a passport?  I can bore you with paragrahs and paragraphs of very BORING stuff!  ;)


Oh well there has been a Sleeping Beauty before, so tell me more, O my Boring Beauty... lol


good morning. My printer is silly. Re-installed it and it has a 'fatal error' that can't be fixed. oh well it still prints.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I have given up on my super duper Canon all in one printer. It was kinda expensive and worked great for the first year.. now I think the colour in the print head is gumming up and the things I print come out like crap unless its black and white. Im not calling in for help again either after what I experienced last time.

  It IS freaking hot out.. Im down the back tinkering in the garage with my brother, both of us working on our offroad trucks, and It got to the point we had to leave the garage, take the AC unit out of one of the bedrooms, and put it under the garage door with pieces of plywood on teh sides for a seal then run it while we sat up at the house drinking ice cold beers until it was bearable in the garage.. I think we insulated it too much for in the winters.

  So whats everyones plans this evening? Im heading out with the boss and some friends for some Thai food on Cambie tonight.. then afterwards heading out for some Karaoke with other friends. Dont worry, the world wont die.. Im not singing like a seagull with tonsilitis again.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


It IS freaking hot out..

 Come to my office where it's nicely air conditioned.   It's time for you to pick up your cell phone that you left at my desk months ago.  Uhm, you owe me like $150 as my reward for keeping your phone for that long.  

 Thai food with THE BOSS sounds delicious.  Yep, your boss, you and Thai food are ALL delicious. ;)

 Tonight, I have to work.  Last day!  Yippee!
