[p class="blogTimeStamp"] 02/15/2007 [/p] [table class="blog" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"][tbody][tr][td width="30"][img]vny!://x.myspace.com/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" height="1" width="30"][/td] [td] [p class="blogSubject"]
[/p] [p class="blogContent"] For once I awoke to my Alarm clock this morning. Just like I used to when I was working. **sniff!**
Anyway, that was because I actually had things to do today. The 1st thing I found out was that I had tragically overestimated my serverance pay from the company. I thought, since I had 4 weeks vacation left for the calendar year, I would get them paid out in full, as part of my severance. Turns out, I only got something like $40.00, based on 2 days. How the f*ck does THAT work? Bottom line is, I'm gonna be SCREWED if E.I. doesn't come through by April 1. I only got $1040.00 severence & rent is gonna cost me $720.00 for March, so I'm gonna have like ZERO play money, between then & now. That means NO Pizza, NO KFC, NO eating out PERIOD! f*ck, life's gonna suck this next little while. Shit, I may have to get a job again.
So, I spent the morning with Dee & Helena & I should have known Dee would get jealous. He got irritable whenever Helena or I weren't paying our full & undivided attention to him. At times, he acted like a spoiled little brat. It's funny, as people age, especially in their senior years, they seem to revert back to some childhood behaviors. I can see what they mean, when they say some people go through a 2nd childhood. We aslo put in a visit to Muter. A nice, short pain-free 15 min. stop-by & of course, even during that limited time, she tried to get us to go out & pick up something up for her. How about just a simple: "Hello. How nice of you take the time to come & see me."? I always hate going to visit her there. The hallways always smell like pee.
Helena was kind enough to give me a lift to Phibbs, where I caught the bus downtown & wouldn't you know it? The transfer point for my next bus was right outside my old office. Talk about painful & still fresh memories. Not to mention, the awjwardness of keeping a sharp lookout for any of my former co-workers, whom I might have to duck, to avoid that awkwardness.
So, I went to see the Shrink on Dunbar & suddenly, around 3 pm, the sun came out. It was beautiful. Like a reprieve from all the gloom. I really did feel uplifted once that sun broke through. As for my visit with the Doc. Dissapointment (Isn't that my middle name?) He's not gonna go for the Long Term Disability thing. Most he'll give me is 6 months. Lessee...I've been fired, or let go from 5 jobs in the last 2 & a half years. If that isn't proof I can't hold a job, then what is? Maybe I should get a job at McPukes, then pull down my pants & take a shit on the burgers, as they're frying up. If THAT wouldn't make me unemployable, it would at least make their hamburgers taste better.
So, I'm home now, feeling like I at least got something done today. And that at least is better than nothing.[/p][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]