All my teeth are finished and fixed up for now, the major problems are fixed at any rate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, cause this last visit was damned painful.. The rest can wait to see what is found 6 months from now... Todays visit was the most painful to date.4 or 5 needles of novacaine not to sure I stopped counting after 3.
Lots of starting and stopping first time she started drilling owwwe I nearly hit the ceiling I jumped so high. she asked if I feel that. God damn right I felt that... Lucky she still has her fingers after that. She asks is my tongue numb or tingling... Hell no, feels like it did when I first came in.
Ok shot number 2 in to the cheeks and jaw... my damn mouth tastes like something died in it... That needle of Novocain stuff tastes freaking horrible. Okay now half my tongue is numb she goes Back to drilling short murderous howl of agony from me, She stops again it still hurts evry freaking poke and prod of the tooth even the cold water rinse...
All I can describe is that what I Feel that the flaming drilling and my flaming tooth hurt. Needle 3 couple minutes more of drilling I made her stop she was even using her lowest speed on the drill...there were a couple more jabs with the needles but I don't know how many exactly...
Now I don't know if she is at fault but the dentist should know where a patient pain level and freezing levels are at before they do start drilling... It was sheer bloody agony, it felt like she was having her drill spinning and grinding away in to the nerve centre of my tooth and now that the freezing has worn off, the flaming tooth and jaw are aching something bloody awful... It hurts worse than any toothache I have ever had..
I Don't know what to do about this incident, perhaps just take a couple of extra dilaudid's an a Advil and see how I feel tomorrow. but damn it all, it sure has not been a good day for me.
And that is why I hate going to the flaming dentist.