Now that would be a sight to see you in Purelife. no offence but you are stunningly beautiful and with that outfit on one of the red and black ones maybe gold trimmed would be eyeball bursting..
Same can be said for Lil_Me also another stunner of a lady... I just cant figure out how some ugly guy as her husband :P just kidding van.... married her I think she knocked him out and dragged him to the alter :P
any ways im just being an annoyance.. My liver is swollen and the flesh on my right side is firm & it hurts a lot

I have a in depth interview with a surgical liver spetgwpdt on March 12 my second it will go remains to be seen.. options are not many..
Oh and I am now been with out work since February 28 missed most of january and Half of Feb with the H1N1 flu so my finacial situation is Fubared right now.. so it is the Food banks and Quest for foods...
Spare a Job data entry something I can do from a computer Concierge Desk Job... Access Control... damn I am depressed. Weight Sickness lack of work.. Ok I am going to go out and hope my spare tire is still At my last Job site..