The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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I'l lkeep my fingers crossed for you. Mean while, make the most of the rest (even though it's enforced).
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Thank You for that gopher.. Fingers Crossed is just as good as prayer or good thoughts best wishes what ever a person wants to give i gladly accept... this is reminicint of what happened the last time I got very sick started off as a flu cold bronchitis which ended up with my going to hospital with liver failure...

but this time I am keeping a very close eye on my skin and eye colour  i have another blood test in 2 days to check my Liver enzyme levels I can have them check my iron or is it haemoglobin for my anaemia, which is probably liver related the iron pills seem to be helping lots with that. being anaemic is a common problem for those with liver troubles..  Other problems are low Phosphate and sometimes magnesium levels . The real test is the IDR i think thats what it is called and my billy rubin... those are the ones one i need to be really worried about.. March 12 I do have that appointment with the Liver Specialist I can talk about another biopsy which they will probably want to do in June or July 1 year since the last one to see if the liver is recovering or getting worse.. if it is getting worse what other options I have. right now surgerical intervention is nto a must but if my liver shows more fibrosis than last year a transplant will have to be a viable option cause this liver can not take much more crap on it thats for sure.. and even talk about a gastric bypass i guess. dropping 300 lbs would go a long way to improving my health thats for sure..

enough of this talk it is depressing me..

  I am Gopher I  spent some of it building a computer . which i am now  using  . it is blazing fast .. I had been procrastinating since  early  December.. it's a e8400 dual core over clocked to 3.6 ghz running  at a  cool 34 and under a full gaming or encoder load it hits a high 40 -  45  ... this sweet little chip is not locked it lets me under clock it  or  over clock it at will, IT was worth the extra money.

There  are  Faster and Better chip sets on the market but I do not want to  upgrade  to those just yet. Next year should be soon enough a hex or opti  core  CPU  ( that's 6 to 8 cores) with 4 to 32 GB ram and Windows 7 that  will  be the system to see. 2 Video cards in a sli or crossfire set  up... I  just don't know. Waiting to see where prices will be and what  Intel  actually release's so far it is all rumour and hearsay...

this   time i have a chip that was designed for what it does. I will not push   it higher though others report it flys a stable 4 ghz and cool this is   all on air by the way.. imagine how this chip would fly on water  cooling  or a nice little freon cooler air con pc... sheet.. those with  the ( [a href=""]click   here to see the case i want for a air conditioned pc set up [/a])  there  are folks who report they have it there PC's OC Stably to a high 8  ghz

 OMG  i could sweat raw Louisiana hot sauce biting my nails  worried about a  claustrophobic system failure over-clocked that high  but just think of  the adrenalin woot.. [span style="font-family: Arial Narrow;"]ANY-WAYS 3.6 IS FAST ENOUGH FOR ME  RIGHT NOW. WITH MORE POWER  AND A NICER COOLING CASE I WOULD LOVE TO PUT  THIS BABY THROUGH ITS PACES  AND START RUNNING BENCHMARKS. WHAT IS  REALLY HOLDING ME BACK IS THE  COST OF A DECENT POWER SUPPLY RIGHT NOW  AND I DO SO WANT TO UPGRADE TO A  MUCH NICER VIDEO CARD.. SAY THE RADEON  5000[/span] sorry don't  mean to shout but I feel like a kid at  Christmas standing in the toy  store..

I Just don't have the  power for it.. . an asus p5pkl-cm  mobo it was a cheap i can not afford  the better board the board i want  is  2 to 3 bills :( the cpu i want  would cost over 4 bills ouch. and  there is no real need for me to go  with a quad core i7 system right now.  next year would be soon enough to  think of those.. besides i got all  these older parts at very good  prices this wicked gamer case for 10  dollars normal cost 90... so I  have no real right to be complaining  about things yet..

so I  built this system a very good budget pc  sufficient for my needs.. 3.6  ghz oc e8400  2 GB patriot ram can do up  to 4 but XP is not optimal for  the upgrade. this ram is pulled from my  older acer system the cpu was a  Christmas gift. the1 tb hd lot of room  for music and movies and games.  pulled from my older system a older ati  x1300 256 mb or is . .. got to  go upgrade the power supply to take full  advantage of this system they recommended a 450 watt PS though 600 + would be better for the 5 additional fans  i would like to add a additional 5 hard drives  but I want to set up a raid system and this MB doesn't support that.. the extra USB devices speakers camera's etcetra.....  i only got 300 watt of power insufficient for everything i want but most of that stuff can wait till I am working again. ...  i  have only 1 hd optical LG  DVD Burner not blueray  to expensive i can not justify that cost... this machine flys... it recoded a divx movie to wmv  in 15  minutes,  a 2 hour  movie ripped from dvd to divx in less than 45 minutes at HD settings..  and i could  still surf the net  25 web pages open ( all on OC and reviews of case's video cards mb and PS I am really trying to learn as I go.. + I can play games and listen to my own music...  :) nothing I have done so far has slowed this baby down.. jezze Imagine if I had the money to spend on the equivalent Quad core CPU ( it was over a 1000 dollars )

total  cost 150 Canadian dollars the other parts i had stripped from my other systems.. I think I need to clean house I now have 8 pc cases and ps and parts strewn about the wrecked work room / lving room.. and most of it is obsolete. it can all work with a bit of time to put it in a pc case and install some os on to those hd.. hmm i have Linux ubuntu I should build a half dozen PC's donate them to a church for the tax write off... well i will do that later if i feel up to it...

when  i get  back to work I will buy a better Power-supply so I can run this  thing  at full power and do some Benchmarks.. I should be able top get to  a  full 4 GHZ stabaly from all accounts that I have been reading.  sighs..  but some things will have to wait. I should be happy with a 30  percent  OC on just air and a300 watt power supply but damn it i want  bigger  faster and stronger..  Well I got to have something to work for  right  =)

for now back to resting. rest fluids wat else is a person supposed to do when sick.. clean this mess i guess any one got a shovel ?????

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

I will ask the universe to shorten your misery.
Sorry you're sick bro   :(
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


Ummm Post Monkey can you ask the universe to heal me from my sickness rather than end my misery... the universe may accidentally shorten my length of time of fleshly existence if asked incorrectly... Life can be a misery at times.. I will take a short duration of sickness and long term misery over a short duration of life and joy..

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it..

I Wish for good health Long life and happiness for all mankind... For yonder enemies whoever they might be I wish for you to be complete and that you get to live in interesting times =D

Never give up on oyur dreams... hope is a good thing..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Lil Me wrote:
Orik wrote:
[em]I guess it is time to suck up the  pride and go back into the welfare office to apply for welfare  agian... [/em][/p] --[/p] Hey Orik.  We all do what we need to in  order to survive.  Don't be ashamed about applying.  You're in a  temporary jobless situation AND you're waiting on answers about your  health.  Both totally legit reasons.  This is why we have welfare...hope  it helps you through this current crisis.

Thank you for this Lil Me now I do not feel so bad going in to the office to ask for help again. I just hate not having work... Worked most of my life from my very first job delivering newspapers at 11 years old for the north shore news up to 250 newspapers 3 times a week for 30 dollars a month. not a heck of a lot of money but was the diffrence of bad shoes or nice ones, second hand clothing and new. lunch at school or going hungry..

candy or no candy...

now I can barely walk or climb I get so tired at the end of my work days When I am lucky enough to get work that is able for my limited disabilities from poor health... I sometimes sleep for 12 hours easy. At other times I can not sleep well at all and I am awake literally 3 or 4 days with like 4 hours or less sleep per night. Sighs, so tired at times. I just slept 45 hours in the past 3 days that's about 15 hours each day, however being sick is something I am used to.

The worst part is LM I do not have disability. I am classified as employable. so get a max of 610 per month Rent alone is 632... so I will go deeper on debt on my credit cards Which I only just finished paying off.. I Need a total of 750 hours to get EI so I am short approximately 198 hours..

So back to living and going deeper in debt until some thing better comes along or until...

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Was just told I can reapply for EI but i Need 690 hours. I am not sure I have enough bnut can try to find out.. keep your fingers crossed and me in oyur prayers please this could be of really Big help if I can get EI over welfare.. last longer gives a bit better pay. 900 a month is better than 610 per month..

it would mean I would not have to go to the food banks every week either I could shop at Quest and other low market groceries

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Somehow I apparently grew 2 inches in the past couple of years.

and (unrelated)

I drink ten cups of tea a day.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


good grief sportsdude, how tall are you now with those extra 2 inches.? you have got be at least 7'1 in hight

10 cups of tea ? are you sick or something? only when I am sick do i drink more than  6 cups a day. 2 tea pots each pot holds 6 cups of water mind i make a weak tea i use 1 tea bag unless it is for work then I use 2 tea bags per 6 cups of water in my Thermos. my thermos is my teapot, because it keeps it hotter longer than the actual teapot.

If  ir emember correctly you are 6.9, the last time you posted. but maybe i was thinking that and not reading that..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


On the tea- blame the olympics. You only had three options for unlimited drinks while working - bottle water, tea or coffee. I drank a lot of tea. But yeah, boiling a new pot at midnight probably isn't the wisest choice.

On height, there too blame the olympics. A guy I worked with "says" he's 6'6. I always have said I'm 6'6 (last time I had an official measurement 3yrs ago said so). Yet I'm two inches taller than this guy - at least, and another guy I worked with said he was 6'5 and I believe it, he was slightly shorter than the "6'6" guy.

So apparently I'm around 6'8 now?? Good God when will it end. The average height for women in this country is 5'4 (according to Science World) and its impossible to find girls around 5'10 who aren't from the Volleyball team around here (they're never single and I'm too much of an academia person so it never works).  Cripes. My cousin who is 15 is 6'5ish, he's a basketball blue chip prospect, but his goal in life is to be taller than me. Why I have no idea, but good luck to him.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


You have 2 options sportsdude 1 which is the best but not the only option learn to love shorter women or 2 go gay and  love tall men... not much of a option there... @ 6'8 jumping jiminy  cricket you are one tall man.

 remind me to hire you the next time I  need someone with height, which is extremely beneficial at concert work.  no need to stand at the back of a crowd on chairs. you all ready stand  above most of them and can see the trouble long before my 5'9 will.

as for your brother wanting to be taller than you to each his own.. But if he wants to be the next basket ball star the height will aid him well. I also need to cut back on my tea intake. so do not feel bad sportsdude and if you make it weak tea it's not so bad and if you use herbal teas then no need to worry about caffeine when  u brew a pot at midnight.  the trouble arises is if you are adding cream & sugar . I use a bit of honey and lemon in most of my teas.. more tart than sweet as my preffrence... and it is so much better for us than coffee..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


I just drink it straight.
-Short as in? My previous gf's have all been 5'6 or 5'7. When I start getting below that it starts getting 'welcome to the circus', at least to me.

Its illegal to hire me for Security jobs. You can only hire Canadians. I have no idea who came up with this rule, but its rather silly.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
Its illegal to hire me for Security jobs. You can only hire Canadians. I have no idea who came up with this rule, but its rather silly.


 Not true.  You can get a security licence if you are here on a work visa or study visa.

 [A href=""][/A]





 Lil Me is right Sportsdude. but even with out all the paper work you can work as a security consultant or Contractor. As long as the company pay's you a honorarium there are loops holes around many things. and to be a consultant / analyst you won't even need a security licence.  there is little the Canadian government can do about it. a honorarium is not obligatory but many company's will pay these to outside contract workers to save on taxes and excive paper work it is not illegal but it is a grey area this is a exploit of the law that happens fairly often... Did you know All churches pay their keynote speakers.. These speakers are paid a honorarium so they do not need to pay taxes on it.. It is just another way to circumnavigate certain tax laws....

you could also get a permit to work as an exotic dancer, one of the cheapest and easiest work permits to get =D but thats a whole different ball of wax...

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Hmm, well i've been offered and then denied by bosses for pub security jobs a few times now.

Looking at a house on Sunday to rent out completely. Should be fun. Never have been to a showing.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I am having an extremely uninteresting day.
A fool's paradise is better than none.
