So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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No problem. Solved.
Made a eggplant, orange peppers pasta with a tomato/spinach sauce you find at the store. Used red wine to cook the veggies.

gonna a take a pic of this. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Aww, poor PC. I pity the fool who don't carry crepe papers. It's OK, PC, we'll boycott Michaels from now on.

  lol....thanks for your ears Lise.  Pardon my rant.  They make me crazy....what can I say. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 I don't go to Michael's. So I'm right with you on the picket line PC.

In North Van I saw some beautiful flowers for sale at a local nursery that would look great in my imaginary Vancouver porch/yard. I really liked North Van.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I loved North Van.  Of all the 'Van areas' that I lived in, for some reason, North Van was always my fave.  Part of it was timing....but I still always liked it.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


North Van seems like a small community, everyone is super friendly. Its suburban but not so suburban like a Surrey where you're far apart from everything. Then of course the mountains, bears and Lynn Valley, Grouse, North Shore and so on.

I walked with a couple from Richmond (they also drove me to Broadway so getting home was easy) they have this book 109 Great walks in BC's Lower Mainland and 103 Great hikes in Southwestern BC. I'm going to look into those books.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

P.C.- can I send you my empty TP rolls?
 Evening!  SD's eggplant pasta sounds good.
 I'm not an eggplant fan, either (except for baba ghanoush and Szechwan fried eggplant)- but I eat a lot of zucchini- mostly because you can cut it into small pieces and it holds up relatively well in soups and stews.
 Shake n bake, soy cauliflower bake, rice and some raw veggies for dindin.
 Had Denny's with Jeckyl this morning, then drove back to the Valley to pick up Heckyl.  He and his cohorts were standing around absolutely freezing.  I asked several of the boys why they weren't wearing more clothing- and they all had the same answer- "bag's already packed up".  lol.  Silly boys.  
 Groceries this afternoon.  Bought $38 waffle iron at Save On.
 Made cookies with Heckyl and Jeckyl.  Oatmeal raisin chocolate chip.  The baking inspiration comes partly from colder weather (, wanting to do something fun with the boys, and the thought/fear that they should learn to feed themselves before they grow up and leave home.  Earlier in the week Heckyl told me that he and two friends have been supervising a grade 1 class at lunch time...and that NONE of the older boys really knew how to assist a grade 1 kid with peeling a banana.  Ulp.  Heckyl doesn't eat bananas (doesn't like them), but surely I figured he knew how to PEEL ONE.  *shakes head*
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I was freezing on the bus ride home and I always overdress so the boys weren't alone.

[img style="width: 390px; height: 292px;" src=""]

my flash hates food apparently.
Anyway that's 1 whole eggplant from Costco
1 whole yellow pepper from Costco
1 whole orange pepper from Costco
1/6 ish of Classico Florentine spinach and cheese
tablespoon of butter
1/3 cups of homemade red wine that the roomies don't like so we use it for cooking
salt and pepper over the veggies before putting in the butter and wine.

Looks and tastes a lot like Trader Joes frozen eggplant pasta.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


If you would be so kind as to pick out the eggplant, I would eat that.  It looks quite good.

  Good philosophy on the boys being self sufficient in the feeding themselves department Lil Me.  It eliminates the pit fall of them looking for a mother when they grow up, instead of a  

I think moms who overlook this little detail are doing their sons no favours.  It's not the 50's for heavens's no longer considered feminine work.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


  SWEEET. I made something people like! (more people liked it too after I said what I cooked.)

ehh I don't know PC a lot of 'girls' do stuff for the guys and unknowingly become subservient to them. Although it depends, personally some girls like to cook, that's their thing and they like to show you etc. On the other hand they might feel like cooking for the man is somehow their role, which it isn't. I see a lot of that unfortunately. I also see the desperate girls too, throwing themselves at guys at parties, but that's another issue.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Oh I so agree with you LM on teaching boys how to cook. They should learn how to cook - at least learn the bare minimum so they can survive. Hubby hasn't learnt a thing apart from boiling an egg. I wish he would take the initiative to cook for dinner for me even if it had been a simple salad.

  I like eggplants. They're awesome especially in curries and chillies. I like this [A href=""]recipe[/A], I usually make it when eggplants are in season.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Good morning everyone.  :)


Good morning PL and the rest of DS!

Camping was good, it was a little nipply but it was great once you got into the hotsprings. There was lots of people, it was surprising.
I had some troubles with my truck, but nothing too serious. I got home.. but I might end up having to spend a bit and replace a bunch of stuff.

Now for the aftermath and cleanup...
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Hiya Russ!

  Glad to hear you had a great time camping and were able to stay warm. was freezing last night.


Yeah.. it was chilly in the nights and mornings where we were. Last night when we got him it was cold here! We didnt bother to unpack yesterday due to this!

Now its cleanup and running around.. waiting for word on where Im going workwise.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

 Morning Lise, P.C., purelife, Russ, SD.
 Sure is quiet without Michel.
 I unboxed the waffle iron and made 2 batches today (used Sunny Boy pancake mix with egg replacer powder, soy milk and some soy yoghurt).  Should last us the week, and Heckyl and Jeckyl can toast their own waffles before school.  Before, waffles were a special occasion food because the frozen vegan waffles are pretty expensive.
 Ground turkey chili in the crock pot for tonight.
 Off to the punkin patch.  Buying 30 for Scouts to carve tonight.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein
