So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I suppose you have earned the right of passage to pass down the nose wiping....but really, once you don't HAVE to do these things....for some reason it becomes crystal clear how OK it is....and any opportunity for closeness is a good one.

   [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


[FONT size=6]RUSS !!!![/FONT]

    Yer killin me.  I'm dying to know how the turkey went !!!!  (must have put him to sleep)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hey PC, no - I think it was the other way round for Russ.

  I tried buying from the Children's Place many, many times but can't find anything. Not one thing caught my fancy. I don't know why. I guess that's why hubby does the clothes shopping for the kiddies.

  Hmmm..... maybe I'll check out Costco since purelife mentions they have superior clothes. I have to use my gift cards anyways.

  [FONT size=7]TGIF!!!!![/FONT]  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I've only shopped there a few times, specifically for infant stuff.  Now for 'little girl' stuff ?  I don't know.

  (Lise, I think you and I would make terrible shopping buddies )
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Gooood Morn.

I agree PC, about being a bad shopping buddy. Mind you, I am bad when it comes to anything to do with the mall. Horrible place!!

  Lots of coffee, and another busy day for me. Just about wrapping up a project for a client and I am going to take a break from work next week and play a bit. Next weekend (Nov. 1) I am going to a wedding in Red Deer. Sould be cool. A biker is marrying my cousin, she is a elementary school principal. Crowd should be fun.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


 Van wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Gooood Morn.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I agree PC, about being a bad shopping buddy. Mind you, I am bad when it comes to anything to do with the mall. Horrible place!![/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]Lots of coffee, and another busy day for me. Just about wrapping up a project for a client and I am going to take a break from work next week and play a bit. Next weekend (Nov. 1) I am going to a wedding in Red Deer. Sould be cool. A biker is marrying my cousin, she is a elementary school principal. Crowd should be fun.[/div]
Morning Van.. Im a bad person to take shopping as well. I encourage and buy random things as well. You always need another heated 12v coffee mug.. until I get home and Starfishie gets mad cause I already have one. My brother and I are not allowed to go shopping together without Starfishie there. This is how we came home with that new gas stove and she found out about it when she got home. Very very happy.
Im still laughing.. I can see the wedding now. From a school administrator with a biker.. ah well it IS Red Deer.

Good morning DS!
The turkey was pretty darn good. I did a brine preparation on it, without any injections. I used canola oil and while I filled the pot to the tip of the drumstick sticking out.. when the oil heated up it was boiling over, so all we did was turn off the burner (I was told to, I woulda left it running, its only oil) and scoop out some more of the oil. We did the same thing as Sawdust PC.. so tell him not to feel bad. We couldnt keep the temp right at 325 so we left it in for ten minutes more.. and it came out awesome.. but it could have been a little better maybe 5 minutes less. We have lots of leftovers. Everyone ate all the fried skin and such.. nobody wanted the meat! Monday will be turkey soup.. would have started it this weekend but we are heading out at 2pm today.
The oil is supposed to last for 5 months refrigerated once you strain it. We will see.

LM.. Sounds great with the scout camping.. and how he returns! Sounds very similar to how it should be done.. as we all do! Whats this toothbrush thing for?

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


That sounds yummy Russ!!

  Yes, the wedding should be interesting. I like bikers. (not necessarily Hells Angels style), but a good old biker I could sit and talk to all night.

  And yes, good old Red Deer. You can be a yuppie, hippie, biker, or cowboy and all find yourself at the same watering hole. LOL.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


mmmm...your turkey sounds delish, Russ.  

  Morning Russ, Van, P.C., Lise...

  Lise - Hopefully you'll find something in Costco for your girls.  I think you and I have different tastes.

  Speaking of bikers, three's a church full of bikers.  I always see their bikes lined up cars around, just bikes.  

  I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to bed because of the LOUD BANGING noise on the pipes.  We have the heater/boiler tanks in our place and it has been making loud banging noise as if someone is banging hard on the pipes and this sound goes off every few minutes.  Drives me bonkers!  And it's LOUD.  Hopefully, the guy coming in today can fix it...whatever the problem is.


Good morning purelife.

  Oh Jeebs....just what you need for a good night's    How annoying !

  I'm going to buy some punkins today for carving .  I have a couple really great designs I want to try.  Then I have 200 Christmas crackers to make.      
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Morning Lovely P.C.!

  Pumpkin carving?  You just reminded me of something I forgot to do....which was to contact local community centre to volunteer at the pumpkin carving event.  I hope it's not too late.  

  It was very VERY annoying.  The banging sound lasts for a while and then comes back on.  I don't understand how pipes can make such loud noises.  I felt like getting up and going for a jog at 4am.


Oh how nice !!!  Sounds like fun.  Have you done it before ?  (community pumpkin carving)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Yes, but not as a volunteer, as a participant.  I sure hope it isn't too late and that I'm available for that day.  I enjoy arts and crafts and the like.


 I know Lil Me is allergic to crafts, but I didn't know you liked them !  Do you make lots of stuff ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I grew up with arts and crafts.  Whenever I volunteer at an event, it's gotta involve arts and crafts.  (well, my preference anyways).  I like coloring.  I haven't done anything lately but I really miss that side of me.  One of my fav things to do as a kid was build boxes and lids out of popsicle sticks.  I also enjoy origami and was good at it at one point and creating these chinese ornaments out of very nice paper.   I like making things out of recyled materials.  There's a show on Treehouse of the lady who has a puppet and she creates these crafts and then tells the story.  I watch it and really enjoy it.  

  I really really miss doing it and have been thinking about it lots these days.  I'll be getting back into it for sure but I don't prefer to do it alone.    


 Oh, and the Imagination Market was one of my fav places to be.  I could spend hours and hours there.  I always looked forward to them.
 ADD:  I like making beads and friendship bracelets too.
