So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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How's everyone today on this fine feathered morning?
Working on the Toy.. another camping trip this upcoming weekend. With more people than just me and starfishie this time through.

We also have a new roomate at home here apparently. We got back and I noticed our middle bedroom which we use for storage had bags of clothes and stuff in it.. then ran into my brothers friend from work. Apparently he had moved in with his girlfriend of a year and it lasted two months. She told him it wasnt working and they should rethink things.. then the last night he got home and she went nuts on him.. and told him to move out (everything in there he's bought, and paid for 6 months on the rent).
So that night he stayed here, then teh next day my brother and him went to the place and removed all the new stuff he had bought (60 inch plasma with all the extras, ie surround), took all his clothes, left her some of the furniture.
We told him he could stay as long as he needed to.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Could he stay there as long as he wants to if he didn't have a 60" plasma ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



 Break-ups are never easy.
So here is my pic (crumby pic, but it works) of the fall defying maple.  You can see the yellow of the maple across the road.
[a id="thelink" onclick="return fitsInWindow();"]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Oh that's right.  You're on that Vic 20 at work.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


And this one a pic of this absolutely breath taking woman, who was at our neighbours last night, posing naked (our neighbour is a photographer).  I don't think I've ever seen such a perfect you think so Michel ?

  [A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 590px; HEIGHT: 399px" onclick=scaleImg() height=501 alt=img370/9742/img1904ny8.jpg src="" width=695][/A]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



  P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Could he stay there as long as he wants to if he didn't have a 60" plasma ?   [/div]
LOL, weve already got a 60 lcd.
His stuff is piled in the living room until we figure out where to store it or he gets another place

Good morning miss PC and  Michel
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

Lovely pics, P.C.
 Hey Russ.  You're truly a good guy to your friends.
 How were the hot springs this weekend?  I need to get out there one of these days.  Maybe springtime, after the heavy snowfall is gone.  My vehicle is pretty good in water/slush/mud but doesn't have the clearance for really deep snow.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Hi Russ.  That's very nice of you to let him stay indefinitely.  

  I like that you live near all those tall trees, PC.  


Me too purelife.  too bad I couldn't capture the glistening water droplets.  (I'm not that clever)

    Yes.....Russ is definitely good to his friends.  (I was just teasing you about the TV)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 Lil Me wrote:
Lovely pics, P.C.
Hey Russ.  You're truly a good guy to your friends.
How were the hot springs this weekend?  I need to get out there one of these days.  Maybe springtime, after the heavy snowfall is gone.  My vehicle is pretty good in water/slush/mud but doesn't have the clearance for really deep snow.
Good morning!
LOL, I try. Im hopeful if I ever have any serious issues I would get some help in return.

Hotsprings were great! Theres no snow there now or for the next little bit. The FSR's to skookumchuck which is where I was is 46km in alongside Harrison after you turn in just past pemberton. There was golfs and ford taurus's there. Just go slow and have your headlights on.
Howeverlong up to pemberton, then an hour in along the FSR.
It was amazingly crowded though, we got there thinking that we would be one of a few. It wasnt that many when we got there but after a few hours it got pretty busy. All the sites filled up and there was people camping in the roads between sites in teh campground.
I dont normally go to sites that are like this.. but theres only so many hotsprings.

On the way back as per normal because of the construction theres idiots thinking they have the right of way over everyone else cause they have a shiny mercedes. Its only one lane each way.. one tried to overtake someone else and had a head on collision with someone else. So they shut down the highway for about half an hour as they cleared everything up.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


What does FSR stand for?

  Good afternoon everyone.

  Leftover sausage and pasta shells in tomato sauce and red peppers...and a slice of homemade pumpkin pie.  It was yummeee...(our Manager baked two and bought them into work)
