So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I just want a repeat of tonight for tomorrow night. lol

I don't think I'll be doing much this weekend, might crash at my buddy's place downtown for a bit. It's the 8th so he has all his furniture now, finally.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



I actually have a decent road trip planned. Heading to Spokane tonight. I am meeting friends from Alberta there to visit our favorite bike shop. I am due for a bike and they are having an end of season blowout. I will save over $1500 so the road trip pretty much pays for itself. Then we are going to hang out around North Idaho for a bit, then I will make my own way through Creston, then Kootenay Lake, then my mom's in the Okanagan for Thanksgiving Sunday.

Back into the city on Monday...bleh!!

  Have a good weekend.      
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!



Yes, I hope so too. It seems after duty and such, it should still be a good deal. If not, I love this shop down there. It is like nothing I seen in Canada. Spokane is a nice place. Big enough to get good music. Small enough the traffic doesn't suck. Just that damn Hayden Lake area gives it a bad name.

  Cya guys.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!



Happy 50th to your in-laws, Lil Me.  That's amazing!  Have a great time with your family.  

  Van - sounds like a great road trip....things in the States are so cheap.  

  Hope you're feeling better Russ.

  Today is my Friday and I'm super excited.  We have our Thanksgiving dinner with family tomorrow evening and have some friends over the next day and I gotta head to the States again to return something and we're just going to take it easy on Monday.  Gonna spend some time baking and cooking.  Gotta make my pumpkin bread and more soup.

  Morning Michel.



Morning! Catch up day in work.
My ear is not getting better, the doctor said to come back when my pneumonia meds are gone, but the ear is showing no improvement whatsoever. ugh
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Morning all. Brrr..... fracken cold. I HATE the cold!! Grrrr.

  Got a doctor's appoinment this afternoon which I'm not looking forward to but gotta do. Gotta get me annual check-up done and get a clean bill of health. Ah well.

  Is everyone going away this long weekend?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Hiya Lise.

  I like this cold weather. :)



Thanks miss PL. Hope you have a good friday!

Thanks LM.. you never know.

Lise.. beware of doctors putting on latex gloves with a grin. And yes Myself, and starfish are away onthe island for the weekend.

Van:  Have a good trip! I always have better luck with male border guards then with female border guards.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Thanks Russ. :)

  Lunch was cabbage chicken soup.  yummeeee


Russy, are you gonna meet up with the divine Ms. PC? (speaking of the goddess, where is she??) Say hi from me.

  LOL. Latex gloves and doctors..... hmmm..... I'm not even gonna go there.....
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

*coughs weakly*
 I sick.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein
