So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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well my relatives who worshipped trees or something bizarre took down the Roman Empire, so anything can happen.

In the 90s I guessed that America was in a PaxRomana period whenever we'd study Roman history in grade school. Of course it made sense, lots of people were going around '96-2000 saying "we're the greatest and will always be powerful." ehh That's when I started looking to Europe for ideas. what can I say, I read my history book, other kids didn't give a shit and said so in class. losers.

I knew about Al queda from the mid 90s so I could go a ha! there's our Gauls. Just get some over zealous crazy person as president who thinks he can destroy an ideaology steeped in oppression when they secretly are our puppet masters and aren't really a 'state'.  Woo bankruptancy. Bush obviously never read a history book about the Cold War and tactics. A bunch of dudes kicking it back in a cave are going to win. lol

wait, we have that war on drugs. oh that boondoggle.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good afternoon Michel, and SD.

Honestly.. you two are starting to scare me. lol. (j/k)

Im still feeling pretty crummy. I cant believe how much a little cold has knocked me down. Ive even resorted to drinking tea with honey.
I also decided I hate teh enticing packages of chocolate they are selling in stores prehalloween. I bought a few just cause and I have eaten one bag over the past two days.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

The Dean

Sportsdude wrote:
well my relatives who worshipped trees or something bizarre took down the Roman Empire, so anything can happen.

In the 90s I guessed that America was in a PaxRomana period whenever we'd study Roman history in grade school. Of course it made sense, lots of people were going around '96-2000 saying "we're the greatest and will always be powerful." ehh That's when I started looking to Europe for ideas. what can I say, I read my history book, other kids didn't give a shit and said so in class. losers.

 Just by reading this, you prove yourself as an equal loser!! You sure like to put yourself on a pedastal!? I can't wait till you get to the real world and are punched down to the level you are really at.

I knew about Al queda from the mid 90s so I could go a ha! there's our Gauls. Just get some over zealous crazy person as president who thinks he can destroy an ideaology steeped in oppression when they secretly are our puppet masters and aren't really a 'state'.  Woo bankruptancy. Bush obviously never read a history book about the Cold War and tactics. A bunch of dudes kicking it back in a cave are going to win. lol

 It sure is easy to point a finger when you really have no solution, isn't it?

wait, we have that war on drugs. oh that boondoggle.

Dude! You really should finish school and learn a few things before spewing off crap like this. Trying so hard to make yourself look smart to good folks on a forum?





Lil Me

Indian buffet for lunch.  *burps*
 Sore throat today.  At first, I thought it was just strained from talking, but's a real live sore throat.  Any home remedies?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


  Lil Me wrote:
Indian buffet for lunch.  *burps*
Sore throat today.  At first, I thought it was just strained from talking, but's a real live sore throat.  Any home remedies?
Indian food eh? Sounds good but would probably make me feel worse :( Still jealous though, lol.

Im doing teh lipton tea with honey in it. Ive also got dry back of the throat and raw nose thingy.. so i got some vicks vapour rub and put it around my nose. Seems to be working.

Hey, has anyone else tried those round silicone egg thingys for frying eggs? From dollarama in metrotown? I got a couple last night and seemed to like them. They are great for making rounglike egg mcmuffin eggs for making your own breakfast sandwhiches.

Michel:  I try to avoid junkfood as comfort food lol. Chicken noodle would be better!
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



evening folks. Played football with my ever dwindling flag football team, had a good time.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Wow, the Dean's a bit harsh. Let's go to our happy place.......

  Tired, tired, tired. We were literally down to three staff member at work since a co-worker called in sick and several others were called away to do other things. I've never been busier. Don't know why this guy is getting into my way when I'm so incredibly busy. What's up with asking stupid questions that don't make any sense? Sheesh.

  Dinner tonight was congee. Can't quite eat 100% yet but I'm getting there.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


  Heal up soon Lise! :)))))))))))))

Had sushi/bento box (at least that's what it looked liked) and miso. Then had a major crisis dilemma bubble tea or Granville island beer hmmmm duh, went with Bubble Tea. haha

Beautiful night tonight walking around campus. Might go for a walk again.
Discovered the energy drink of an ipod. First time ever I walked around campus today listening to music, did wonders. Although I did become a bit spacey and nostalgic for things, but I think that's because of the music. lol

I have a liking for miso, I ordered it 4 times at an all you can eat place a couple weeks ago. lol

the dean is getting mad over a joke, the last paragraph about me and the 90s is me talking sarcastically, which is usually where people who have met me in real life start laughing on the floor. It just doesn't translate well on a message board.
98% of this world I come in contact with thinks I'm hilarious, the other 2% don't get self deprecation and sarcasm which is pretty much how I role.


"I was introverted as a child, so self-deprecation became my defense mechanism in middle school and high school. . . Self-deprecation is rooted in people making fun of you. The only way to really defeat other people making fun of you is to get on the board and start to make fun of yourself, kind of show them that it doesn't bother you. . . Then, self-deprecation comes to the next level when you find your own voice in that self-deprecation. . . I make fun of myself and not only does it make the audience comfortable of who I am as a performer but it also gives me the green light to make fun of other things as well."

-It's called finding a voice

anyways I feel like another walk
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


For my sore throat, I cut up some ginger, pour hot water and cover the cup to infuse it.  Then add honey if you wish but I prefer just the ginger for the zing. :)  

One of these days, I'll get my a** over to Samosa Garden for butter chicken...gotta use up this Entertainment coupon...

Dinner was the rest of squash soup and tilapia.  yummee...

Totally agree with SD.  It was very  nice outside...cold, but nice.  I had a nice walk/jog at the track.

Lil Me

Hey everyone!
 Thanks for the tip about ginger, purelife. crap before the weekend.  Taking Fri off and going to the Island for the in-laws' 50th anniversary.  Should be interesting.  Have I ever mentionned that I'm married to the Clampetts?   lol
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Evenin LM.
Im currently on tea.. after having stuffed ourselves on sushi this evening with the entertainment of IronMan.

Well, it should be a good weekend on the island.. its supposed to be decent weather.

I agree.. one more day.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

Mr LM and I watched IronMan a couple nights ago.  Well, he watched it and I slept on the couch (I had seen it before...).
 We decided to get a hotel on the Island instead of staying with the in-laws, as they have a gazillion other people in town this weekend.  Our hotel room is frickin huge, so me if you and Starfish get sick of your family.  We've got space.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein
