So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lil Me

You guys are hilarious!  Heckyl and Jeckyl finished school at noon, had lunch with my mom and grandmother.  Sammy, fries, salad.  Yum.
 Ulp.  Gotta fly.  Going to Pitt Meadows tonight and the traffic has been killer lately.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Just got a call from my hubby's auntie. Apparently her hubby fell down the stairs. Fractured his pelvis. We had to go to the hospital and there's not much they can do except lie him in bed and wait for the bone to heal. Kinda scary thinking about how fragile your body really is when you age.

  So.... I was kinda shocked that my co-worker, a person I thought I could trust backstabbed me on Wednesday. Apparently my words were insulting to her and all I said was jokingly, "Oh you're so full of hot air." Then she runs off to the supervisor and told her that I said this and that. Then she approaches me at the end of the day and said she told the supervisor and what I said was insulting and blah blah blah. I was taken back. I had no idea. I did apologized but was hurt and angry.

  I have NEVER NEVER complained to my supervisor about anyone. Sure, I do get pissed of and what-not but I never complain about anybody to her. I've always maintained that if you work hard, put your head down and don't give anyone grief, you would be OK. Boy, was I wrong! Even if you don't say anything, you still get the sh*t.

  Well, I'm going to talk to my supervisor tomorrow just to let her hear my side of the story. I just can't believe this place. It's a fracken hell hole.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Oh Lise :(
 Chin up, girl.
 Stick to the facts, don't get emotional and all will be fine!
 Your co-worker is psycho.  You know that, and you need to use the facts to insinuate that without actually saying it!!!!!  (otherwise you sound psycho yourself....)
 Microwaved burrito for dinner with a glob of humous and and orange.
 And a Caesar, but I'm not diggin the Presient's Choice cheapo clamato.  Give me Mott's or give me death.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Hang in there Lise.  :(  I hope you can find something better or that things changes for the better.  I feel for ya.

mmm...I wish I had some avocados...I crave em.  had chicken pot pie for dinner.


Bugga ! matter how much you put your head down to your work, there are always the 'petty bunch'.  It's easy to say 'ignore them'....but the problem is, they draw you in to their drama without even being a willing participant.  Office politics is the WORST.  I would normally say, 'hang in there'.....but I'm not sure that this is the best advice.  A daily dose of people chipping away at your spirit is too harmful.  Maybe buff up the resume and move on ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Aww, thanks guys!

  PC, it's so TRUE about what you say. They're just so malicious and horrible, it's like they've got no life other than to harry you and make your life a living hell.

  But I must point out that it's really nice working there as well. I mean, you get good benefits and the work isn't very hard. I do enjoy being around students and watching them grow. I have good friends who are supportive and for the most part, I'm happy. Working here is better than working for a cheap-ass dentists who won't give you as much as you're worth.

  At any rate, I do feel better and I'm going to tackle this problem. Thanks for the support. I love you lot!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


G'ood Friday Morn!

Poor Lise. After reading all your headaches from since I have been on DS, my advice to to get the heck out of there and move on. Sounds like a poor environment to be working in. Life is too short and only you can make the difference. Waiting around for things to get better is like waiting around the gas station for the price of fuel to come down.

  That is just my thoughts.

  I was in an office where I loved my job, but hated co-workers, politics, the clock watching. I had to make a change for myself.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Good morning Van.  I too think life is too short, to spend it dreading the next day.  Liking the job is unfortunately only half the battle.  I think you can get satisfaction from doing anything well.  It's the quality of the interaction with the people you work with that makes the difference.  I STILL miss my job, but I don't miss the crap for a second.  When the good part of your day is overshadowed by the crap, it just seems like another day wasted.  It became all about 'getting through another day', which is no way to go through life.  

   Best of luck to you Lise, in tackling the problem !!![/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


All the best to you Lise, in whateve you decide.  My work situation changed but if I was living a living hell for months, I would definitely change jobs even if my benefits are the best (which they are) and my co-workers are the best (which they are too).  It definitely makes it difficult to leave when you make so much and have the excellent benefit pkg and the good colleagues...

  Morning everyone!


Mojitos for lunch again. Ha! Not sure what I am going to eat yet though?

  Going to that pub with the cute waitress with the sexy **** and ****...also, her **** is pretty adorable too!

  may as well start the long weekend off right!
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Van - Why don't you eat the cute waitress with the **** and the **** and we can't forget the ****?  hee hee....   She must be a fine example of TNA.

  mmmmmmmmojitos... I've always liked the sound of it...sounds Hawaiin'ish.  

  Have a nice long weekend, Van and everyone else.  I have Monday off!  Yippeee...


Lil Me wrote:
And a Caesar, but I'm not diggin the Presient's Choice cheapo clamato.  Give me Mott's or give me death.

Costco has four packs of Clamato on sale right now.. I stocked up.

 Lise.. I know what you mean, at the end of the day you have to decide if its worth the aggravation mentally and financially. It really depends on each situation. Keep your chin up girl! (and stick your foot out when the cunt walks by!!)

 So.. I was up to 2 am yesterday eve after getting back from a stupidstore/costco/wallyworld run. Getting ready for the houseboating trip. Bought a huge sirloin hunk that was uncut.. hacked it up into 24 various sized steaks, threw out like a quarter of it which was fat and junk, then kept the smaller than steak sized bits so I could do the bits o steak wrapped in bacon morsels. Marinated in the lovely sesame garlic teriyaki sauce.. mmm.

 This morning after being rudely awakened by the blasted pigeons again that are trying to nest everywhere.. we decided when we were redoing the canvas on the boat that we would attempt to shoot the ones under our garage overhangs with a paintball gun. Well, we did better than we expected when that little shithawk showed up, and lets just say the cat has a new toy right now. The others haven't reappeared either.

 Ok, gotta go back to playing with the boat.. Just dropped in to say, 'Hi!'

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

Morning!  Slept in today (8:30am) for the first time in eons.  It was magnificent.  Heckyl and Jeckyl are on holidays, so our schedule has eased up a bit, though we still have a lacrosse tournament through the weekend.
 Russ- thanks for the tip about the 4-pack of Clam.  I might just do that, though I'm trying not to stockpile (hahahaha), since we could be moving if our place ever sells.  I've not bottled any more wine, I'm giving away my cases of empty wine bottles, and I'm trying to eat canned and frozen goods up.  I'm using my paper towels sparingly, since I'm down to the last few rolls in the case, haven't bought any more plastic wrap, using lots of take-out napkins, and using kleenex that I swiped from a hotel earlier this year....anything to avoid buying cases and cases of crap.  (except the TP, which is pretty bital...still buying cases of that...)
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



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When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!
