So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I'm one of those types that could sleep on a rolled up jacket for a pillow....or no pillow at it wouldn't make much sense for me to spend a lot of money on one.....but that water filled pillow has sure got me intrigued.  It sounds kind of nice.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I've found out that no pillow is strong enough for my giant head. I always have to crunch up pillows just so my head isn't sleeping at odd angles.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


It's nice to sleep on hardwood floors too.  One day, I slept on my parent's floor.  They just had new hardwood placed throughout.  It was one of the most comfortable sleep that I've ever had.  I woke up with nothing aching!  Oh, I would sleep on my living room floor if I had the space in my apartment.        


Sportsdude wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]I've found out that no pillow is strong enough for my giant head.[/FONT] I always have to crunch [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff40"]up pillows just so my head [/FONT]isn't sleeping at odd angles.
[/DIV]Wow, I never thought that heads could be that big?  I guess your big hand helps for your big head, huh?     And yes, pun intended. ;)


Good morning PC, kitten, PL, Lise, SD...

 purelife wrote:
It's nice to sleep on hardwood floors too.  One day, I slept on my parent's floor.  They just had new hardwood placed throughout.  It was one of the most comfortable sleep that I've ever had.  I woke up with nothing aching!  Oh, I would sleep on my living room floor if I had the space in my apartment.  

 Erm? Really? I would wake up in pain and ready to kill the first thing I saw.. fluffy dog or not. I have honestly found this double high queen sized air filled mattress I use when Im camping works great for when friends come over.

    I do agree with you PC.. in that whatever works for you is the best. I got a memory foam pillow cause I used to double stack pillows.. but with the memory foam it seems to work. But i will try out that water filled pillow, if anything for memories of how waterbeds used to be ;);)    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


yeah its a pain carrying around this 30lb weight on my shoulders. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I really miss the waterbed I used to have.  The doc said I had to get rid of it because of my back, but I really slept well on it.

  What's for lunch?  I had an early lunch/late brekkie of half a papaya, and a cup of blueberries.

      *waving "hello" to everybody*
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I convinced my supervisor to buy a cheesecake from Costco for a coworker's birthday today.  Yippee!  Cheesecake for dessert today after my red thai curry... me excited! :)))


Morning miss kitten,

  I just had cheerios.. again. Too lazy to do anything substantial for lunch.

  I LIKED my waterbed as well, but for different reasons :)
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

 Russ wrote:
oh and tell Mr Lil Me to say yes to my request... --
 What request, Russ?  I must have missed something here.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein

Lil Me

Gotta fly.  Off to sort junk with my packrat friend.  Bringing coldcuts, veggies and fruit for lunch.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Our dollar is doing so well right now. Gotta go and buy some US$ at 1.03.      


I curse the high dollar.. and Im sure many businesses in Canada do as well, theres not as much americans buying canadian stuff cause of the prices, and more canadians are vacationing in the states...    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


True.  I heard that it's going back up again today.


Which? The dollar or the dollar? :):)

  So hows everyone doing today in the heat? Hows it over where you are PC, Sawdust?

  My brother and I were out in the garage down the back for all of five minutes and we have rivers of sweat coming down us.. the garage door and the side door were open, and the thermometer still read 37 degrees. So we went to costco, bought a 12,000 btu air conditioner (and some freezies!!!) then spent the next six hours installing that bad boy for the garage (it came with a remote even!). The problem was then trying to get the hole cut in the side of the garage to install that unit, we figured; drywall on teh inside, then insulation and framing, then the 1/2" planking covered in tar paper, chicken wire and then 1and1/2" stucko.. easy right? WRONG! We got the inside drywall and insulation out.. then even with a chainsaw pissing off the neighbors who were trying to suntan in their yard right next door we couldnt do it. We ended up buying these expensive 'demolition' blades which have the statement 'eats wood, nails, and stucco for breakfast' on the side of it.. and used three to make the hole for the AC unit. After we made the hole, and got the unit in.. we finally read the instructions and noticed it says for window ac installations only, not through wall. After all that though.. it stays.

  EDIT: the best part of the whole fiasco was when I was standing on the outside holding the AC unit on a slight angle for water drainage, and my brother went to spray the expanding foam to seal the hole and hold the ac firmly in.. he starting spraying on the side, it went around to another opening and spilled out onto him. He's yelling about some sort of foam i thought he said move the unit so i did.. causing more to come out, you think he would stop spraying when its coming out at him right? lol.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
