So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lise wrote:
 Holy crapzolla, Russ. Remind me NEVER EVER NEVER IN A MILLION EONS let you inside my garage or house. Imagine the crazy look on your face if someone just hands you a power tool and a house and say, "Russ, my boy, today's your lucky day. Go crazy with the house."

My only AC comes from my fan. Ah well. Better than poking your head in the freezer all day long and inviting strange comments from the kids. [/DIV]
 Umm, you dont know how accurate this statement is. LOL. One of my buddies bought a house with his family and they were going to tear it down.. it was empty but they would have to pay so much to have the drywall removed with the guts to get down to the framing.. which would then be removed. So he called me and uh.. I think it was 12-14 others and bribed us with as much pizza and cold beer we could drink over a weekend. He almost went broke when he realized the amount of beer we were consuming.. but we gutted that house in two days, only one couch through the front window, the cops came by twice on the second night when the neighbors complained about loud AC/DC playing and one of our buddies practicing his wrestling moves jumping off the back balcony onto doors on top of chairs below.

  we have two small ac units for two bedrooms in the upper house which are turned on later in the day so you can sleep at night.. my bedrooms in the basement so its nice and cool all the time. But Ive been looking at what is the next big craze down in the southern states and commiefornia where it gets super hot and expensive to run AC all the time.. big 3 foot fans that are solar powered you put through your roof, they are sealed and have a downward facing lip so water cant get in. It sucks the hot air that builds up in your house out so it keeps it MUCH cooler, and if you run a small ac unit it will not work nearly as hard.. hot air rises and cold air sinks....    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Lil Me wrote:
No tickling here.  I'll just be sitting under your desk with a pile of comic books and a flashlight to read with.  Don't kick me.  
   dont worry she wont kick.. just 'poke'.

  I have three new archie comic books I brought right before I left last time, Ill bring them along! .. and still havent read them! I have a few hundred archie and other comics.. including some real old ones. I used to buy them at flea markets when I was young..

  You know if we are playing down below that she will eventually just kick us out cause she wont get any work done.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I used to read Archie when I was young.  Enjoyed 'em!  Ok, you're can come to my office, Russ.  You've got the comics.  Please bring booze.  Our office needs it, especially my manager!

Evening everyone.  Got home from Costco's and M&M's.  I picked up that box of freezies... I can't wait til they are frozen!  Love the white ones. :)))


booze and an office a recipe for success!  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Booze + Boobs are a recipe for... oh, never mind. ;)  


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Ye gods, Russ. You are like Tim the Tool Man Taylor. I hope you don't treat your marriage like that. Hehehehehe. Just kidding.

  Did someone mentioned boobs? More importantly, did someone metioned purelife's boobs? Wow. Thinking about that makes one.......... *swoon*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

 Russ wrote:
You know if we are playing down below that she will eventually just kick us out cause she wont get any work done.
 Just don't bring the goats, please.  I'm claustrophobic and two people hiding under an office desk will already be enough.  I can't handle a farmyard under there as well.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


somebody bring the hay, russ goats will get hungry.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hmmm, Russ has a point here.  I probably won't get much work done (not that I do anyways when I'm on DS), especially when I hear giggling.  How about we ditch work and head to a pub for some cold beer? :))))  


Sportsdude wrote:
somebody bring the hay, russ goats will get hungry.  
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Yes.  Fedex?

Lil Me

Hey Everyone!  Back from my parents' with another treasure trove of surpises.  An Eaton's brand meat fondue set (new in box) from the 1960s, a pile of old photos, and assorted bottles.  I hit the liquor store museum tonight!  It was hilarious when the shelf collapsed and an avalanche of dusty bottles collapsed on me.  I'm taking home a box full of drinkable stuff, but you should have seen what we threw out....curdled Baileys, dusty Pernod, red Vermouth turning funny colours, 2 bottles of peppermint schnapps (yuck!), Japanese plum wine (yuck!), a bottle of Henessey from 1981 with ginseng bits added to it (yuck!)...
 Hafta go back on Sunday night and help drink another box full of dribs and drabs.  Lots of partial bottles.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein

Lil Me

 purelife wrote:
Yes.  Fedex?
 Oh, I like the hunky courier guys.  Let's add one to the menage.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


 Need a drinking buddy, Lil Me? ;)

Wow, buried treasure... har har!  
