So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lil Me

totally.  But it's the "thirsty beer" for 40 degree heat or the "Breakfast beer" for all other days.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


yeah my cousins are bud people they think its the best ever. I'm like no..... its crap.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I've never heard of a water filled pillow Lil Me.  I wonder if they are still around.

  I can't stand those memory foam pillows....or any foam pillows.  They're sweaty and they stink.  But I sure wouldn't mind trying that water pillow.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


water beds now that's something that never left the 70's.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


L'il Me, you must tell me more about that water pillow!  First question, does it ever leak?  How much?  You've got my attention.  I didn't know that existed.  I checked out the site and totaly feel for the person who gave the testimony that the neck doesn't hurt anymore.  My shoulders and neck have been aching due to me sitting in front of the computer all day long... :(

Sweat and smell, I didn't think about that PC.   Thanks for pointing that out.  

Lil Me

The pillow doean't leak.  It came highly recommended by several chiros and my yogic flying friends.  It was pretty expensive- about $50 at StupidStore (?)- this was a few years ago.
 Mr LM is a chronic skeptic about everything, so he had his doubts about the crazy pillow.  But soon we were fighting over it, so we bought a 2nd one.
 Can anyone recommend a good mattress?  The one I'm sleeping on is seriously 20+ years old and feels like springs.  Most nights I'm too tired to feel a dang thing, but we should probably upgrade one of these years....
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


P.C. wrote:
 I've never heard of a water filled pillow Lil Me.  I wonder if they are still around.

I can't stand those memory foam pillows....or any foam pillows.  They're sweaty and they stink.  But I sure wouldn't mind trying that water pillow.  [/DIV]
 I own a memory foam pillow.. best thing i bought ever for my back/neck.. seriously PC My parents use it too.

  As for a bed Lil Me.. Ill look on my matress.. but I paid 4k for it, and its wonderful! My back is tons better than it used to be...

  oh and tell Mr Lil Me to say yes to my request...

PS Who the hell came up with these verification words... umm, 'barfed'???  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 I own a memory foam pillow.. best thing i bought ever for my back/neck.. seriously PC My parents use it too.

As for a bed Lil Me.. Ill look on my matress.. but I paid 4k for it, and its wonderful! My back is tons better than it used to be...

  I have some friends who have the memory foam pillows, and they would tell you they're the best things ever.  I think it's a glitch with ME that I don't care for them.  I slept at a friends a while ago who just spent a fortune on a memory foam matress cover.  It was just way too gross for me.  It was more like I was in a bath than a bed and the smell of the foam drove me nuts.  It FELT good to lie on it.....but it just didn't breathe or something.

  A good bed is a good investment.  I just bought a new one a year or so ago too.  It was almost instant that I woke up in the mornings not feeling stiff and achey.  I only paid half of what you did Russ, and it was a major improvement over what we had.[/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Busy place here in the evening.  

Gorgeous night last night. Biking was fun, my boy actually went pretty hard last night. We had some mint chocolate chip ice cream after.


  Any plans for the weekend? I am getting the heck out of the city again.

Cities + Summer = MEH!!

We are off to a Moyie Lake this time. No hiking, just swimming! Too hot to hike.


Good morning everyone.  

  How's everyone doing this morning?

  Lil Me, my parents spent about $2500 for their bed from Sleep Country.  It's really firm with extra padding on top.  I napped on it once and OMG, comfy!  I think that the really good beds are more than 2 grand.  They are thicker with that extra pad on top.  It's definitely worth the investment.  


We got the same type of thing is lovely.  Sleep country is VERY expensive.  In spite of their huge sales, they most often only bring their prices down to what Sears is selling it for as their regular price.  I bargain hunted for a year before I finally bought.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I agree... they are verrry expensive.  Sears probably has a better sale.

  Oh, another thing that you could try that is a cheaper option, Lil Me, is to buy this extra padding from Costco.  My grandma-2-be has this extra padding on her bed and she says that it's the best thing.  I haven't tested out her bed yet, but will soon because I'm looking into one of these for now before I can afford something better.  At least, I'm not sleeping on my guy's OLD double-sized FUTON!


I've never used any of those fancy pillows but we do give a neck pillow for patients while they're in our chair and they swear by it. It's a buckwheat pillow from Costco... I'm not sure if they still sell it but they're supposed to be great support for your neck and head. You can pop them into the microwave and heat it for a few seconds if you wanted.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I bought an Obus Forme (sp) pillow for myself last year and couldn't get used to it.  My neck kept feeling worse instead of better.  I gave one to my sister the year before and that is the only kind of pillow she finds comfortable.  So I guess it is an individual thing.  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Thanks for that info, Lise.  I'm going to check out Costco to see what they have.  I remember seeing all kinds of pillows there.  :))

  Hmm, I should've started a new topic about pillows...    
