Hello Kitten

Started by Gopher, Apr 24 06 11:35

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Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Cool! Kitten has her own thread! I am out of touch with DS. How is Kitten?

  CK is good, relaxing Saturday. Trying to figure out what supper will be.


CK wrote:
 Cool! Kitten has her own thread! I am out of touch with DS. How is Kitten?

  CK is good, relaxing Saturday. Trying to figure out what supper will be.[/DIV]
 [FONT color=#7f007f]Hi, CK!  Good to see you back here.  Gopher started this thread one day when I didn't show up.  It's nice to have a thread just for me.  lol[/FONT]

[FONT color=#7f007f][/FONT]

[FONT color=#7f007f]Glad you are taking it easy.  By the looks of it, you deserve some down time for yourself.  What did you have for supper?  I just had toast and a salad.  I didn't feel like cooking anything after work.[/FONT]
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I had some great downtime today. Basically, stayed around the house, couple drinks on the deck in the sun. Couple friends came over for some BBQ chicken. One friend brought those potatoes where the inside is mashed but the outside is the skin. Wow! soooo good. Now I am thinking sleep soon.


Hi, Kitten. Did I have a good holiday? Y E S! Back to work tomorrow but I'll try to keep 'it' inside me until the next time I have some time for daydreaming, walking, taking, meeting old friends and generally luxuriating in a rare opportunity for life whose terms aren't dictated by the constraints of the workplace.    
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I still think it was a shame that you only had one week to luxuriate in indolence, but I'm so glad it was well enjoyed.  Keeping the mental photos until you can do it again may ease the pain of going back to work.  Meanwhile, it's good to see you back again.




Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


It was more than merely well enjoyed... I hope to get away again either in August or September (by which time I should be able to afford it again), the weather was poor until Thursday afternoon and then suddenly we were treated to SUMMER. Flowers, fields, hills, rivers - oh yes, I was very much in my element.

Of interest to you, the friends I stayed with had twin cats - half Persian. Their ability to be indolent at all times was truly remarkable.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


What a great plan!  I couldn't imagine having only one week a year for holidays.  Then again, I haven't had a holiday for a year and a half.  Being indispensable is its own punishment.


 Gopher wrote:

 It was more than merely well enjoyed... I hope to get away again either in August or September (by which time I should be able to afford it again), the weather was poor until Thursday afternoon and then suddenly we were treated to SUMMER. Flowers, fields, hills, rivers - oh yes, I was very much in my element.

Of interest to you, the friends I stayed with had twin cats - half Persian. Their ability to be indolent at all times was truly remarkable.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


All being well, I'll fit in a third (on your behalf, of course).  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


kitten wrote:
 What a great plan!  I couldn't imagine having only one week a year for holidays.  Then again, I haven't had a holiday for a year and a half.  Being indispensable is its own punishment. Noblesse oblige, m'dear.


 Gopher wrote:

 It was more than merely well enjoyed... I hope to get away again either in August or September (by which time I should be able to afford it again), the weather was poor until Thursday afternoon and then suddenly we were treated to SUMMER. Flowers, fields, hills, rivers - oh yes, I was very much in my element.

Of interest to you, the friends I stayed with had twin cats - half Persian. Their ability to be indolent at all times was truly remarkable.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


What a wonderful thing to look forward to!  I thought it was strange to have only one week's holiday in a year.  It will be an incentive while you slave away at work.  It sounds like the sort of thing that would be heaven for a nature-lover such as yourself.

 Do you enjoy cats or merely tolerate them?  Persian cats are beautiful, but require constant grooming to keep from having matted fur.  I like all cats, but I chose a short-haired cat for that reason.  People could learn from cats about relaxation and stress relief.



Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Oh I enjoy cats, no two ways about it. But you're right about the fur of Persians - both were moulting and so I've arrrived back with cat hair on every item of clothing.

Back tomorrow  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Good morning, Gopher.

  It's a lovely day today, and I am happily engaged in doing absolutely nothing that requires effort.  Got caught up on crosswords that were from previous papers, and totally relaxed.  Sunny weather brings its own brand of happiness.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I didn't know you were also a crossword addict. Are you also 'into' Su Dokus? After umpteen years of doing (or trying to do) every crossword that came within reach, I've now changed my allegiance to the latter.

Sunshine here too - good for gardening (perhaps).
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I tried NY Times crosswords a couple of times, extremely hard.  Then I saw the guy who puts them together on 60 minutes and he said the easiest  is always monday then they get progressively harder each day and the hardest crossword is on sunday.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
