The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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A fool's paradise is better than none.



Now answer me this...

  What's an Orik? And you can't say it's Orik the poster. I just realized, other than a nickname on forums, I've never heard of the word Orik before. What does "Orik" actually mean?


  A ancient oak tree,  

A dwarf in the [em]Inheritance[/em] trilogy, by Christopher Paolini

[a href=""]a form of computer. Spelled Oric[/a]

[a href=""]a company in kelowna bc.[/a]  Also spelled orik

[a href=""]and a vacuum cleaner[/a] along with some other things. But they use the spelling Oreck.

 Orik is also the name some one gave to a German Sheppard.

It is also the name of a Human Fighter I had when playing AD&D back in the early 90's which is where this nick name comes from.. or if you prefer a Dwarf. in the Inhertence trilogy.. either would be correct.

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


  Yes Natasha.. I thought it worth pointing out that Purelife visited us in the lunch thread.. Like gopher said because she is worth it..

Side note  

I might even have my new walker by this long weekend, so I won't have to do my annual vacation in a rented wheelchair, I sold the Quickie wheelchair a number of years ago, not because I didn't need it anymore, which I did. I sold it mostly because I hated it.

My back never did recover fully from that forklift accident, my legs have never worked right since that day, I am just happy, that I am still able to walk it does not really matter that it has always been a small distance. How ever as things get worse, it gets harder to keep denying I need any assistance.  I have to admit the truth, I just can not do it all on my own anymore.

I guess it does not matter to any of you, how much saying that shames me. but it does shame me nonetheless. I just am no longer able to go on a extended vacation or long shopping trips on foot or by bike anymore. I am now forced to use wheels or a assisted walker once again..

The nerves in my back & legs are getting worse, =( nothing I can do about that. I am Still waiting to get in and seen the Spinal cord specialist, to find out how far the disks & nerves have degenerated.. I know they have some new surgical techniques, that used to be only experimental in the early parts of 2000 and back then it was not worth a 50/50 risk of the injury being made worse, or a risk of suffering permanent paralysis. I did not like those odds as DR Chan explained them to me at Royal Columbian Hospital (he was RCH neuro surgeon and back specialist at the time)

Since they did not have these techniques available 10 years ago when I was first injured, I am kind of hoping they can repair the nerve and disk damage today. It would be nice to stand straight to have feeling in my feet and legs other than constant burning pain..

I would almost be willing to kill or sell my soul, to once again have full muscular control of my legs & feet. To once more be able to stand for hours on my own 2 feet to not have to worry about muscle spasms or my legs locking up or worse the nerve pain that is causing my legs to collapse on me..

Let me try to explain the kind of pain I am in 24 hours a day 7 days a week with my lower body. This is all the time, not just most of the time and the more I do the worse this pain gets. Imagine a flame thrower being applied to your legs & the longer you stand or the further you walk the hotter those flames get.

Not only is there pain to deal with  but some times there comes with it muscle spasms, ones that cause my legs to contract like a hand being repeatedly opened and closed, faster than a heart beats and nearly as quick as a eye blinks those spasms come and go.

The worst of those spasms can cause my legs to lock up or collapse on me. If I do not go to the washroom often, there can sometimes be loss of control on the bladder. It would be nice to know when my bladder is full again, so there is no embarrassing accidents. or having to go to a bathroom every hour, just to make sure there is no accidents. Maybe now they can fix the damaged nerves & disks that progressively get worse with every passing year.

 I had the ocupational therapist over yesterday. While I was trying out the walker and a new tub transfer bench. If my insurer will pay for them I will have no more worries and hopefully no more slips and falls  while trying to get in and out of the tub. I doubt any of you know how difficult it is to try and climb in and out of a tub when your nerves in your legs do not work well.

Here is some bonus info

I took 125 dollars out of my savings account yesterday because it was time for one of my semi annual trip to  the casino. I go to the casino 2 some times 3 times a year. This time I got to do it on-line, instead of my trip to the Richmond one (which happens to be my favourite lower mainland casino because of its great buffet of course) or on one of my 3 day vacations to Kelowna, I like Kelowna but only go once every 3 to 4 years because it is a long rode trip. .  

I have enough saved up for my vacation to the island, this  long weekend & hopefully there is no rain to spoil it.  I try to go every year. it is a great retreat with the church I love spending the time in the camp, Because of that peace and solitude not to mention the stunning simple beauty.

I love to get away from all the street noise, all the sirens and the often foul stench of the Down Town East Side. Well I am rambling once more...back on to my news of what happened in the play now on-line casino yesterday. Well to make a long story short, I won over 350 dollars. I withdrew 250 and walked away doubling my money, 125 dollars pure profit.

As always I tend to do 2 to 3  trips per year to the casino, but I tried it on-line. I admit it is fun but not near as nice or as fun as actually going to the casino's it also lacks the buffet the drinks 7 the lovely women, as far as I am concerned there is not near enough options in the on-line casino as there is at the real casinos. I did enjoy gambling on-line,because, well I had remained on-line & gambled the remaining 100 dollars for the next 17 hours..

I was up and down, I was gambling for hours. Which was my intention. penny slots, nickle slots, dime slots and 1 dollar slots. Lots of black jack and a few hands of poker ( jacks or better) and a ton of Sicbo where I won  most of my profit. I lost nearly 1200 dollars in total yesterday and it all started with 125 dollars I walked away with 125 dollar profit.. not bad way to spend a  great day.

Back to saving up another 125 dollars to throw away all over again. never gamble more than you plan to lose. if you profit pay off the amount you took in with you and only gamble the winnings till either you tire out or the money runs out which ever happens first. The money I did win will go to pay off the 125 dollars debt on my credit card and the remainder to pay for my 3 day vacation next month.

Sometimes I do get lucky in games of chance and in the game of life.. during my last hour on line I was playing 5 dollar hands.and losing. I could of walked away with that 100 but  I would of not had near as much fun during my last hour on-line, I quit with a little profit still on my account for Fridays Lotto Max draw and Saturdays Lotto 649 draw.  

Have Fun be safe and remember never gamble more than you can afford to throw in a garbage can or to give away to a charity. Play with in your limit. If you do not know what that limit is, do not play or gamble at all.

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:
 It is also the name of a Human Fighter I had when playing AD&D back in the early 90's which is where this nick name comes from.. or if you prefer a Dwarf.

Nah, I prefer Orik better. It should be a character name in a Shakespeare play. Perhaps a wizard of some sort. Anywho, it's different and I like it.

The German Shepard... yours?


 Nope.. Not my Sheppard. I am a cat person.. Dog's are all right, but I like to go on a small trip for a day or 2 and you can not do that while leaving a dog alone. Dog's need to be walked and fed, while with a cat, you just put down enough dry food fresh water and a clean litter box. The cat will be fine for up to 5 days... a dog at Max can left alone for 24 hours.

Small update after doing the math, adding up all the table games, slots games, lottery games and the arcade games, it  works out to be a grand total loss of $1674.94  that I gambled away, in an almost 18 hour period...

All I can say is Damn!, the money comes in and goes out so fast you don't even notice how much oyu are going up and down at times... when you are up and down so often it can be hard doing the math figuring out how much proffit you made or how much loss you have done.

What I found strange was my luck, it would get down to my last few dollars and bam suddenly I would win a bunch of money, 68 dollars, 138 dollars on sicbo matching a triple throw,  I got 181 dollars..

my luck was in and it just didnt stop. I kept playing all though the night... The next thing I know it's 5 am and I am back at the sicbo table gambling 5, 25 &100 dollars at a time I admit I threw the 100 dollar hand once and that was because of the free 100 tokens I got from the play now promotion ..

During my last 100 dollars & during the last 58 minutes on line, I went to the sicbo table and at 5 dollars a throw, I went for the elusive 7 or a triple and some few doubles, alas I had no further luck and I was soon out the winnings I had banked up..... Ahh well perhaps the next time.

lol, I can only hope that next years trip is as much fun and as profitable as that one was.

Total transfered in 125 dollars

Total winnings transfered back to the bank $250.00

Grand Total spent not including 649 or Lotto max is 1,674 dollars & 94 cents

Total left on my account when I logged out Thursday morning was $10.15...

Now thats gambling.. I should of left when I still had that other $150 dollars but no I foolishly wanted to keep gambling. So I did just that & for a grand total of almost 18 hours in total. Almost 100 dollars an hour was gained & lost.

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Keep your winnings, and then abstain from all furture possiilities of gambling - the odds are always against you.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Orik wrote:
Nope.. Not my Sheppard. I am a cat person.. Dog's are all right, but I like to go on a small trip for a day or 2 and you can not do that while leaving a dog alone. Dog's need to be walked and fed, while with a cat, you just put down enough dry food fresh water and a clean litter box. The cat will be fine for up to 5 days... a dog at Max can left alone for 24 hours.

I have a dog, her name is Sophie. I've left her home for 2 days. She's potty trained so I just layed out extra puppy pads for her and she has automatic feeders so she had plenty to eat and drink. I left the TV on for her and left all her babies out to play with. I had a friend come check on her one time and she was fine.

 I also have three cats, eight kittens (all outside), one turtle, one hamster and one hermit crab.



That is way to many beasties to take care of..

I hope you plan to to get all those cats fixed it is shameful to let them breed out of control or to become feral..

My gambling like I said is for fun i am aware the house has it in there favour.. but for foolish reasons I like to go do it 2 or 3 times a year and this time my gambling streak went on for hours and hours, normally it lasts about 60 to 90 minutes & I walk out poorer.

The first thing I did once I turned a large win was Transfer an immediate 250 dollars  out of the 400 to my bank account, by keeping 150 in my players account I could keep playing. yes gopher, I do know when to quit particularly when I am ahead. the problem is i did not want to quit I had a goal in mind and tried to reach it.

I wanted to play until that 150 ran out or until I hit  2500 dollars which ever came first. Sadly Bankruptcy came first, I had kept only enough in my players account to buy a Lotto Max ticket and a Mini Dip with the extra & yes a open ended flight ticket to the philippines would cost me ... You guessed it 2500 dollars.. 1250 per seat... Unless I come up with a lot of scratch I am not going to be flying to the sandy beaches or the crystal caves any day soon ..  

I currently have 400 dollars saved up in my saving for a vacation fund soon to be a few dollars more once the transfer from the Lottery goes through & I convert it to American dollars. .. some of that savings will of course go to the short vacation I will be taking in a few days time

 I save up my gambling cash in a fools jar.. At least that's my name for it & 2 sometime's 3 times a year it is full enough to take in to roll up & that change is what I use for gambling. the only trouble is it takes time to fill that jar  anywhere from 4 to 6 months and it can contain as little as 80 dollars to one time just over 200 dollars

It varies each time. Mostly it depends on the ratio of coppers to silvers and how much gold is in it. I call it the fools jar because it is meant to be spent foolishly & not for any wise reasons. To me it is meant to be wasted on completly stupid things such as gambling or strippers.. Since I do not do drugs & strippers have little of interest to me gambling it is...
D as much as that idea may appeal to some it contains no intrest to me..

Gopher as always I am well aware that the house holds all the cards (odds) that is why I only go gambling 2 to 3 times a year. No matter the odd against me I will however continue to play and some times I if I walk away with a profit great or if I walk away poorer than the amount I walked in with so be it.

The real trick is to play with only the profit you made Minus the 2 X the original stake providing you win enough. I could of easily played on with the full 400 i had won at some point but instead of losing it all I withdrew just over half of it and put it back in to my bank account..

And until that Fools jar is full again I will not go back to gambling in a casino be it the ones on-line or the ones like the river rock..

The only thing to do now Is say Good Good night.
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.

Lil Me

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


A fool's paradise is better than none.


I've been doing an insane amount of yard work/brush clearing.

Although I might have messed with poison ivy.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


We hope not SD.

  Gotta do some clothes shopping today  :(  


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