So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Good morning everyone.

  I've been closing my windows at night because it's that cold.... I was almost tempted to take out my heater.

  Lil Me must be super duper excited to see MrLM and have him in his arms once again!  No more waiting now.  



Lise @ Work

Well, have a safe and fun trip wherever you choose to go, Michel. Looking forward to the pics - just PM me. You know how I am.



Oooo..can you pack me in your car, Michel?  Your trip sounds very nice!

  What are everyone's plan for the weekend?

  We're heading down to the States again with a friend and want to watch Mummy 3 and check out the Farmer's market, other than that, I'm relaxing.  


MY plans for the weekend? Shopping, reading the paper, idling and having a few drinks.
A fool's paradise is better than none.






Gopher wrote:
MY plans for the weekend? Shopping, reading the paper, idling and having a few drinks.[/DIV]
 Are shoes on your shopping list?


No. I'm going to have to get another pair of trousers. I've been rushing around non-stop this morning and 'flopped' in a chair, catching the pocket of my trousers on one of the arms - they tore.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Hope you find the right trousers, Gophie.

  Lunch was thai beef noodle soup.  yummeeee  I was going to get sushi again but the girls at work asked me to join them for lunch. :)


You guys cold? The heat index is 41C today.
yeeeeeeeeaah. I'm not going outside. All weekend its going to be the same.
Would go down to the farm, but the river is high again and my future cousin in law is has her masters graduation at the university down there, this weekend. So no go.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




