So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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True, unless she told her name. If not, that's another good hint to retrace the person.  



OMG. purelife!!!! I just read all that. Pretty fracken scary. I think you really should report it to the authorities. It's not funny any more.

  And to be on the safe side, I think you should pick a new handler name. Wow. Scary, scary.... but don't worry, we're all here for you.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



That's "interesting" in a way PL that the admirer is not from the Net, that means that he'll probably manifest himself soon or later. Keep your eyes open for hint.


Or should have I better said at least betrayed himself cos he might be very shy.



to do agood job in editing, you might want to remove also the part where I told you with examples that I think you shouldn't you give too much personnal information.


[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]                                                                                                             .
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



the net is full of weirdo, here's my last one, remember ?

[A href=",5387.0.html"],5387.0.html[/A]


I REALLY think you all need to think about this rationally for a  moment.

  There is no way anybody has gotten that kind of info from your profile.  There is nowhere you have posted your first and last name.  If it's someone you have TOLD your name to......deleting your posts won't make them UN-KNOW your name.

  This is making no sense to me.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Deleting your account will not remove your posts.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 I REALLY think you all need to think about this rationally for a  moment.

There is no way anybody has gotten that kind of info from your profile

you ALL need, means me too I assume ?

  Just in case you're talking to me and not only to PL, I don't think that, and I don't think PL thinks that either. The bears episode just made her more conscious to pay attention about what she post on the net and I thinks it's good.

  No need for excess however.[/DIV]


Yes, that's exactly what I am thinking, Michel.
