So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Twice ? How does he knows you didn't get the bear ? He's either watching you or he reads the forum here...

Yesterday, I was going to ask you to send me a message on a gmail account that I don't use anymore, but I thought it was not the best day to ask you that. Anyway, I will tell you here in public what I wanted to tell you yesterday. As you know I have been here quite often in the last few weeks since I'm at my new job, well I can tell you that your profile is checked very often by one (or many?) "guest", especially in the morning, so I would definitly pay attention about that.

Outf no really the time for humor, but still that bot is annoying :

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Geez PL, twice is a little wierd. I wouldn't get too alarmed, but it wouldn't hurt to talk to your neighbours and have them keep an eye out.
The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.


 It happened again this morning.  This time, it was between a certain time.  It's at home, PC.  This time, it's a much smaller bear with a heart with "I Love You" on it without my name.  It's definitely not the little girl's.  I sure hope that that person got the wrong car and the wrong person.  I'm pretty scared but I guess that I shouldn't worry...yet.

  Holy strangeness purelife.  I think that's a good to neighbours and see if someone can do a little watching.....maybe with a camera.    [/DIV]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I forgot to ask.  What does your fiance think about this.  Could it be him being romantic ?  (probably not, if he knows it's freaking you out)

  Just make sure to keep a watchful eye for the next little while.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


What does your fiance think about this.  Could it be him being romantic?

I was thinking the same thing, but I doubt too.

I think advice about camera and others should be sent to Purelife by PM, as I said the stalker/admirer might comes here. Her profile is really check often. PC, maybe you can do a cut and paste of the last messages (including mine) and delete those after sending her privately ?


I'll check with purelife to see if that would be her wish, Michel.

  It's not uncommon at any given time to see someones profile being checked.  Merely clicking on a persons handle from the 'who's online' board, to send a PM would show as someone 'viewing a profile'.  There is nothing in her profile that could be remotely connected as far as I can see.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


clicking on a persons handle from the 'who's online' board, to send a PM would show as someone 'viewing a profile'.

  Ah ok, I didn't knew that. ouf, I feel more relaxed.


Nice of you to be concerned Michel.

  I have a suspicion an explanation will surface soon.  It seems harmless enough....but I can see it giving someone the heebie-jeebies for sure.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



what I found weird is how come he knew you've "lost" the first bear to the little girl? And where did he get that fast a second bear to put it so early on your car ? Also if he knows you that well, why does he choose your car and not your doorstep as a place for the bear ?

  There must be some good hints there about his identity.

  weird weird weird...



I think the police think is a good think, play safe.

  Yes I wanted to tell you that for a long time (I was planning to tell you when we would meet eventually or by email, but since you decide yesterday not to go further, it's ok with me).

  So, yeah this site is very slow so I checked often if somedy is writing something somewhere cos I'm really bored at work, and very often I see a guest checking your profile. But as PC said, it might be people just writing PM to you, that I didn't knew. Still you know how many message you received, so you're the only one who can know for sure. Snyway, i see once in a while guest checking one profile or another (mainly the profile of SD), but yours, by far is checked more often than any others. So either you're popular with PM, or you're popular for the wrong reasons. I would say that I saw atelast 10 time guest checking your profile, mainly in the mornin, compare to 2 or 3 times for Sd and one time PC, a few tenkani Imassume too.

  Anyway, I don't want to scare you, it might be only PM indeed, but still, I prefer to let you know.



I don't pm that often, so these guests are probably just interested in checking my profile

hum, definitly, I doubt it's just pure coincidence.

