Started by DDD, Apr 14 10 02:01

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RDL wrote:
 Orik wrote:
Was that smell, oh it is rdl and more of his shovel loads of... Last Word


 Actually, I believe that was your liver.  You really need to stop drinking and get help.  Perhaps you should go to an AA meeting or check into rehab?

 Last Word

  Into rehab with is the job going




God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Last week I met with someone at Triumph Vocational Services... they have career exploration and employment planning, assessments, workshops, training, disability supports, work/volunteer experience and paid job placements, on-the-job support and follow-up, and self-employment services.  This week I am going to get a call telling me that I've been accepted into the program.

  For the meantime, I'm not gonna worry about getting a job... I'm just gonna spend my time doing the things that I love: watching the soaps, drinking slurpees, and YouTubeing.

  Last Word


I forgot to mention I was terminated from Thrifty's on April 29th because I called a cashier out on her mistake.  Apparently only supervisors are allowed to do that.

  Last Word.


A fool's paradise is better than none.



God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

Sleepy orik

Rdl you were fired with just cause. I read the E-mails about what happened at Thrifty Foods. You really are an arsehole. apparently you have a terrible demeanour, you swear at fellow-staff and customers alike. you were fired because you male people afraid of your behaviour.

You see Rdl I do not drink and rarely did drink before my liver packed it in. Since you know nothing about viral hepatitis, I should explain it to you, but since you are the drunk. who rants and raves. I won't bother, you are beneath contempt even your fellow workers at Thrifty Foods despised you. They all thought you a waste of air. You are the dunk Rdl not to mention a control freak. Go get some help while you still can.

The Last word



Sleepy orik wrote:
Rdl you were fired with just cause. I read the E-mails about what happened at Thrifty Foods. You really are an arsehole. apparently you have a terrible demeanour, you swear at fellow-staff and customers alike. you were fired because you male people afraid of your behaviour.

You see Rdl I do not drink and rarely did drink before my liver packed it in. Since you know nothing about viral hepatitis, I should explain it to you, but since you are the drunk. who rants and raves. I won't bother, you are beneath contempt even your fellow workers at Thrifty Foods despised you. They all thought you a waste of air. You are the dunk Rdl not to mention a control freak. Go get some help while you still can.

The Last word


 Actually 99.9% of the time I behaved appropriately.  It's just that the other 0.1% of the time I lost control.  And if you had bothered to read the emails, you'd realize that my final written warning was due to other people snitching on me when they had absolutely nothing to gain except some sort of sick pleasure, and the termination was due to head office not being able to afford me and having too much pride to lay me off so instead they fired me.

 As for my coworkers, I got along with most of them very well.  In fact three of them live in my building, and five of them live in the building next door.  One of them even has a thing for me.

 Me?  Ranting and raving?  That's exactly what you do.  If I were you, I'd take a long, hard look in the mirror.  Because all you ever do is pick fights with other people.  People who have never done anything to you.  That's all you do.
I was hoping for a little compassion and understanding, but I guess that's too much to ask.  So I won't bother.

 Last Word


Blame it on rdl

 Take that same mirror and look at your own self. The E-mails speak for them selves. You were inappropriate and the behaviour problems you had were severe. Take that time you are wasting in to account and seek the counselling help you are in desperate need of. The Idea of me showing you compassion and support when you yourself has shown none to anyone else is laughable.

R get some help for your drinking problems you need it. Take some courses in interpersonal relations because there you also need it.  Ask Jeff at Thrifty's about it all. They were right to terminate you, they should have terminated you after the second incident.  Instead they waited for a response from head office were you were verbally warned and in writing.  

that co-worker you say is in to you can not stand you and she filed a grievance agaisnt you. after you refused to leave her alone after she asked you to back off. Now after your third same offence they were forced to take action against you. So they Fired you with Cause.

 I also see you can not place the responsibility on your self and still continue to blame your coworkers. Those co-workers are not at fault for your actions / problems it is your inapropriate behaviour that brought on the problems your own idiocy your very own actions that brought on all that you blame others for.

 The problem is that you do not know how to control your behaviour or your demeanour. It is that fact alone that got you fired. Now take the blame and place it were it soley belongs and that is on yourself. One other thing, when a woman says no she means no.

Actions speak louder than words. It is a shame your actions are so embarrassing and your behaviour so inappropriate. It is the actions you do and the things you say yet you still blame others, for your own faults. Those problems led to your firing. Until you get some counselling and professional help you will remain a risk to others. You are not safe to be near, emotionally or physically.

the last word


God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


RDL wrote:
 I'm just gonna spend my time doing the things that I love: watching the soaps, drinking slurpees, and YouTubeing.

  Still hooked on The Y&R? My patients got me addicted to Days. I actually watch that crap even when I'm at home and it's getting good right now too.[/DIV]
 Last word


soaps suck

God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Blame it on rdl wrote:
Take that same mirror and look at your own self. The E-mails speak for them selves. You were inappropriate and the behaviour problems you had were severe. Take that time you are wasting in to account and seek the counselling help you are in desperate need of. The Idea of me showing you compassion and support when you yourself has shown none to anyone else is laughable.

R get some help for your drinking problems you need it. Take some courses in interpersonal relations because there you also need it.  Ask Jeff at Thrifty's about it all. They were right to terminate you, they should have terminated you after the second incident.  Instead they waited for a response from head office were you were verbally warned and in writing.  

that co-worker you say is in to you can not stand you and she filed a grievance agaisnt you. after you refused to leave her alone after she asked you to back off. Now after your third same offence they were forced to take action against you. So they Fired you with Cause.

 I also see you can not place the responsibility on your self and still continue to blame your coworkers. Those co-workers are not at fault for your actions / problems it is your inapropriate behaviour that brought on the problems your own idiocy your very own actions that brought on all that you blame others for.

 The problem is that you do not know how to control your behaviour or your demeanour. It is that fact alone that got you fired. Now take the blame and place it were it soley belongs and that is on yourself. One other thing, when a woman says no she means no.

Actions speak louder than words. It is a shame your actions are so embarrassing and your behaviour so inappropriate. It is the actions you do and the things you say yet you still blame others, for your own faults. Those problems led to your firing. Until you get some counselling and professional help you will remain a risk to others. You are not safe to be near, emotionally or physically.

the last word

  For your information, I have been sober since Halloween.

  And who exactly is this fictional Jeff you are referring to?

  The girl who is into me had nothing to do with any of the three incidents.  In fact every time I go through her till she always makes it clear how much she misses me.  Nonetheless, I have not ever hit on her, neither before the termination nor after the termination.

  Last word


  Jeff transfered over to the Vancouver Thrifty's.

Congratulation's on being sober, now go out and get a job, while about that, you should also stop by the mental health agency for some needed psychiatric care. The head doctors will set you straight about the delusional world you live in. What you perceive as her interest, is actually in fact sheer disgust, but because of your mental disorder you are unable to realize that fact. Like some people can not do physics math, you can not see the real world because you are so busy living in a delusional one.

Last Word

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


DDD wrote:
 soaps suck

  Then what do you wash your ass with?



Natasha wrote:
DDD wrote:
 soaps suck

  Then what do you wash your ass with?



God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!
