The Ebony Lounge

Started by P.C., Mar 27 06 09:57

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True. Yeah I'm interested so was my dad at one point. See after the war my family got split apart we lost contact. My dad back in the late 70's was touring Austria with his college choir and was going to meet this old man who knew everything about my grandpa and my family but he died 2 weeks before my dad was suppose to meet him. Ever since he gave up. Now I guess its my turn. All I know is that my dad's cousins (who are much older then my dad now in there 80's grandpa was the youngest of 4) one is a engineer in Germany I think and ones a house call doctor in Hungary. My family is a great mystery to me because out there I know my cousins are thinking the samething about me.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I know very little about my own family history.  

It sounds like you still have avenues to find information about yours.  I know my family had very little and we were raised VERY modestly, but aside from my sisters, there's nobody left who can give us any info.  That's what I mean about having an interest before it's too late.  By the time I became curious, there was no family left.

    Hubbys' ancestors may have had money, but WE certainly don't live any kind of 'high life'
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Yipes.....must hit the hay.  Work in the morning.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Good night Sportsdude.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


One of the reasons why I want to go to this school in the Seattle area so badly is that they basically demand there students to travel abroad. One of the places is Norway. I like Norway but going to Norway would give me anvenue to back pack Eastern Europe and see these places once school would be out. Thats when I plan on finding that place in Poland shouldn't be hard to find that place. All the old Gulags are now memorials and I bet I can find a list somewhere of all the post second world war gulags. Then the next place is to travel to eastern hungary. Again pretty simple now that Hungary is part of the EU. Find the rural town which is 13 miles from the Austrian border and look up family residences or something at the city hall. Then I'd find my family name write the names down and go from there. Shouldn't be to hard.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


In fact I may not have to do any searching or anything back in '94 when my grandpa died he recorded his entire life story on tape. Dad has it he won't let me watch/listen to it because its too tough for him. Grandma is doing the same now finally she at first didn't want to do it but now she's recording probably as I type this sentence. All I've got to do is ask and she'll tell. She told me about her train ride from Budapest to Paris then back to Budapest in the late 40's because she didn't have the right papers. She had to stand up the entire way the train was that packed, she slept in the bathroom lol. She was like "I'M NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN!!!" and she never did.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


what? where did you go? Sounds interesting. I worked out, suprised how strong/in fit I was again. Got go to work tonight. ugh..
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


What a drag, SD.  Will you sleep first, or hang in there until you have to work?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Well I tried laying down a couple minutes ago but alas All I do is stretch a bit on my bed think about stuff then get bored and restless. Atleast I'm not my friend he works from 4:30pm to 2:30am everyday at a warehouse. Then goes to school full time. yikes.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


omg....I don't think I could handle that.  I have a hard time pulling the closing shift at work, and that only goes til 6 pm.....rofl.  I'm a morning person, so anything past 3 in the afternoon is borrowed brain energy for me.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


yeah plus his parents just got divorced he then got depressed became a chain smoker and is now quitting after dropping out of college because of bad grades and not wanting to go to class because of depression. Life sucks here.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Ahh, well soon that will all be behind you, SD....with new adventures, seeing and being where you want to be.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Yup! Pacific Northwest! I can smell the sea from here! (you can smell the sea right? All that water is salt water it must be or Orcas wouldn't swim in it.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Love the salt air.  There's something therapeutic (sp?) in that for sure.  I think you'll blossom when you get away from what you feel isn't doing you well.  I always send good luck vibes your way.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Thanks PC. I can't wait to leave this mess behind. This winter I'm going to do a Trudeau and take a long walk in the snow in the fields down on the farm, reflect on my 20 years running around the place. Look around and then leave closing the door, turning off the lights. I seem to like to do that with things. Putting closure on things. Don't know where it came from but I tend to do that a lot.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Well, I'd recommend leaving the door open just a crack, and maybe just dim the lights a wee bit.  There's nothing wrong with exploring new territory while leaving the old one with doors open, should you need.  I've always been cautious about burning bridges.  It only limits your possibilies.  The more open doors, the better.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
