The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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Gopher wrote:
<DIV>What sort of things do you usually bring backl from your far-flung journeys, Russ?</DIV>

Depends where I am at Gopher.
In Las Palmas, we rented a car and drove around the outside to some of the bigger cities, then drove inland along a route that took us past some really neat church's. I bought some towels, coffee mugs, bracelets and other small stuff with the names of the island and some towns there.
In africa if I get a chance, I will buy small carvings and such that I can give away or keep if they tickle my fancy. I have this habit of buying masks and paintings as well. I have about 20 paintings from various places around africa.
I try to get things that have meaning to the places where they are from, but sometimes, its all teh same junk in the different african countries.
I also tend to keep some bottle caps and labels from beer that I have had in some of the places. I can never seem to put them all in the same place when Im at home so theres lots all over. SS likes this organizational skill of mine.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


After all these years, my hair has started to thin.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Our lil guy is officially walking more crawling.  Now I have one more person to buy shoes for! :)


A fool's paradise is better than none.


I'm new here and this thread looks like the ideal topic for me.  :)

  So tell me, am I gonna like it here?  


  Tatertot wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I'm new here and this thread looks like the ideal topic for me.  :)[/div]So tell me, am I gonna like it here?

Maybe. Depends on what you're looking for.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Good question.  Guess I'm looking for a forum that's kind of psycho-free.  This one seems to have lots of nice people, although a few more flying pigs than I'm used to.   :)  


We're relatively pshyco free.

  The pig is the mascot for ill-gotten karma.  I'll give you a properly earned karma point. [img border=0 src=""]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


This is so exciting - I'm a member for less than 24 hours and I have a karma point!  I have a good feeling about this.


 You've tripled your karma in record time.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


OMG at this rate I'm gonna be reborn as Angelina Jolie!   [img border=0 src=""]


A fool's paradise is better than none.


Well, I suddenly have an overwhelming desire to adopt a dozen children.  Does that count?  On the downside, I found a hair on my chin this morning so maybe I'm turning into Brad Pitt instead.  


Well, if you don't need to shave yet, there's no real problem.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Tatertot wrote:
<DIV>Well, I suddenly have an overwhelming desire to adopt a dozen children.  Does that count?  On the downside, I found a hair on my chin this morning so maybe I'm turning into Brad Pitt instead.  <IMG src="" border=0> </DIV>

Welcome to DS Tatertot.
Not as busy as many other sites, but its a bit of a niche.
This place has its ups and downs.. its a bit slow currently.

Most of us tend to randomly post and catch up time to time.

Speaking of which.. wheres SD?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
