Natasha wrote:
<P><STRONG>I was totally over it the next day Russ. </STRONG></P> <P>DDD wrote:<BR>Natasha wrote:<BR></P> <DIV>I got electricuted today. Took about 3-4 hours for my body to get back to normal again.</DIV><BR> <DIV>How you end up doing that ?? Hope you are OK</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><STRONG>Oh yeah, Im fine. It took a little longer to get over it than I assumed it was. I thought I would be able to shake it off in a few minutes like when a person gets shocked. This wasn't a shock... I was full on electrocuted. I could actually hear the buzz and feel the bolt through my entire body. One of my fingers turned black, my hands were shaking, my legs were weak, my heart was racing fast and pounding hard, I was sweating, my joints locked up, my ears felt like they needed to pop, my head was hurting, I ws sick to my stomach and I felt like I had googly eyes

It was horrible. I guess I should have went to the hospital but I was home alone and by the time I got my bearings back I was starting to feel better so I decided to sit around for a bit and wait for the symptoms to subside. </STRONG></DIV> <DIV><STRONG>It took about 3-4hrs before I felt well enough to continue on with my day. The following day I was all better

</STRONG></DIV> <DIV><STRONG>As for how it happened, I was scrubbing my kitchen walls, there were suds everywhere, one hand was wet, the other hand was on the metal part of my stove, then the wet hand accidentally touched the outlet. </STRONG></DIV><BR> <DIV></DIV>
The Stove Outlet? The one behind the stove?Thats 220V, you ARE lucky. Most stove outlets are 15A.. at 220V it doesnt take a lot to kill you.