Orik wrote:
Oh yes please be more careful Natasha.. I am glad to know you are all right.. but maybe rubber gloves in the future and perhaps a scrub brush with a long wooden handle to keep you from getting ur hands to close to the power outlets again..
I like the wooden handled brush suggestion. Never thought of that. Would it really clean just as good though? I usually use soft scrub cleaner and a sponge with a rough side to it. I figure this is the only way I can put some serious elbow grease into it
What about vinyl gloves? I have some of those, would those work ok? you were very lucky Natasha I hate to think what would of happened had you manged to make a fully grounded circuit for the electricity to course through.. If you had made a complete circuit what would of happened is we would probably never have learned of the incident & some one would of found a bacon crisped corpse instead..
You know I've actually wondered how anyone would find out if something bad happened to any of us. I to was very fortunate to not have made a complete circuit had i done so i would never have lived past 9 or 10 years of age which is when it happened to me. left arm a pair of pliers and a frayed cord and changing the tv channel and zappp.
Oh my gosh, that's aweful! How bad were your injuries? Were you rushed to the hospital? How long did it take you to fully recover?
may we all be safe from harm to health or wealth in what will hopefully be a happy new year
God bless you all, Bless you all in all things & in all ways. blessings for today, for tomorrow and for tomorrows, tomorrow.
^ very sweet. Same to you, Orik