The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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My puppy broke her leg while jumping off the couch. We took her to nearest vet because it was closer. When he got there all they said it was definitely broken and there was nothing they could do about it cause they were a new animal clinic and didn't have anything to help an actual broke leg. Which made absolutely no sense to me. How are you going to be a clinic, be open for business, and not be prepared? Needless to say I was a little pissy when I asked them that and continued with "Why on earth did they tell me to come over when I called telling you her leg was broken?"  They claim most people only think their pets have broken bones but it turns out to be a sprain or the toe has split in which case there's nothing they can do anyway. They eneded up referring me to another clinic/hospital that was open til midnight. They suggessted I tell them my puppy needed immediate surgery, there was no cost for that visit and I should make them my regular clinic. I couldn't believe they would suggest such nonsense. I got smart assed with them again, grabbed my puppy and left.

I did take them up on their referral though. Only because as this point I needed an after hours clinic. Turns out the first place wasn't totally useless since the second place was a blessing. Everyone was so nice, attentive, respectful, informative and they fixed her up on the spot. The drive getting there took longer than the entire visit. Now my puppy is doing great  :)  Of course that could be due to the pain meds but at least she's comfy  :) I can't wait to have her back to normal but truth be told, she looks kinda cute in her little cast... bless her heart.  


  [font face="Arial Narrow"]Sorry to hear of the accident with your puppy and worse yet the deplorable conditions of that vet. I think that is atrocious they should not be open at all if they can not handle a simple emergency... they should be closed and if you called them before and said the leg was broken they should of damn sure said we don't have the necessary supplies or equipment to deal with such a injury..

Then you could of gone some where else... I think they are fools and I feel you should call a lawyer... do it now and find out where you stand on the potential of lawsuits etcetera... If the puppies leg heals badly or cause's trouble in the future I think you have a right to sue the first animal hospital for failure to provide the help needed and prolonging the puppies pain & suffering..

The very least they did was not to have charged you, but I would not put it past them to bill you if they thought you would not shove it up there collective rectums.. and if they had tried to bill you for such negligent behaviour I am sure you would of done just that..
[/font][/p] [font color="#0000bf" face="Arial Narrow" size="5"]My Atrocious Day. [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]I had a most Horrible day. While it was not the worst of them, it certainly was not the best of them.[/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]It all started when I woke up late for some tests I had to go do. So I showered and got ready to go out. That is when I noticed the flat rear tire on my bike. much to late to spend time fixing it now... So I was not able to ride out to do my shopping & go to the hospital for my tests,, in the way I had planned... [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]So I broke out the Walker, By the time I got some of my shopping done I was so tired, I then took a cab home then a cab to the hospital. 27 dollars in cab fares and 2.50 in bus fare.. sighs and 178 dollars on 1 new medication. [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]I am tired & sore.. My left knee and my lower back are killing me.. I had to go for a full set of tests on my heart and lungs. I am not thrilled with all the tests they had to do today. I was all hooked up with medical devices & I think I looked like a cyborg stuffed into a small closet sized area. [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]I am talking small, small, & small. 7 feet high by 3 feet deep & 4 feet wide. I am 46 Inches across at the shoulders & if they had closed the door on that enclosed space I think I just might have lost it on the poor guy running the tests..

Now all the tests left me gasping for breath & with a killer headache to boot. on top of this I had to deal with a feeling of being trapped.. For those who do not know I am kind of claustrophobic So with the extreme pain plus everything else, I am now gonna take a long nap.

I am thankful the tests only took an hour. I just hope they do not need me to do those sets of tests again any time soon. I had to do them last 2 years ago, they were even worse way back then. These were almost a cake walk this time..  [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]I am worn out, my left thigh knee calf & lower ankle are all swollen like small balloons, the throbbing ache of pain-shooting through my kidney right down to my toes through the thigh past the knee leaving me & my leg in horrible pain =( .. The pain medications I take to help combat the nerve pain I go through have not helped much.. [/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]The regular strength over the counter aspirin I took helped with the head ache and nerve pain  almost 5X better than the prescribed narcotics go figure. I have taken the maximum dosage of my medications today. & yet the pain is nearly unbearable. Thankfully the swelling has almost all gone leaving me with only the throbbing pain in the leg & that pain is killing me...I can do with out another repeat of days as bad as this one thats for sure.  
[/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]Gad's I love the walker but I simply over did it today.. On top of it all when I got home and started fixing my bike I slipped with the wrench and I crushed my right pinky finger while repairing my bicycle flat.. Boy did I swear then.. after all of the things I have done today this was the worst of it.. =) lol. Hopefully I am up to going for lunch with my friend tomorrow.... With a little luck the weather will be nice for riding around as well.

For now the medications are starting to kick in and it is time I laid down before the flight to lala land.. the painkillers are good but they make me a bit loopy when I take a very large dose.. So it is often best to take that large of a dose, when I am in a place that I can be trashed, with out worry of further injuries or doing something extremely stupid such as accidentally walking off the Seventh floor or ,out in front of a bus..
[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]
[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]When you take large doses of prescribed medications that can affect your mind or body it is often best to do so in a place where if you go off on a trip, that you can not hurt yourself or others. These pain killers can make a person spacey when taking a large dose it can cause some people to nod off like heroine does & that can be dangerous.[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]
[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]These medications are even more dangerous to you if driving, riding a bike or walking around, this is because you are impaired & that is never a good thing... That is why many pain medications come with the warning do not operate heavy machinery, the reason is because you are impaired mentally similar to if you had spent a day in the bar drinking.
[/font][/p] [font face="Arial Narrow"]So I shall see you all later when I am feeling better.. Groans it is time to turn off the lights, to put in the earplugs & turn off the lights, clicks the sleep button on the pc...
[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]Garfield Has it Right Mondays seem to be cursed this month .. This is my second bad Monday in a row.. I swear it is almost as if Monday is out to get me =D[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]=P[/font][/p][font face="Arial Narrow"]
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Well things went completely to shit on this web page. I could not get it to load properly in Firefox.. I tried everything including clearing the cache so I shut down Avast and it works perfectly fine now..

Very strange why I could not get the reply window to show in Firefox while worked fine in IE8 though...

Anyways.. I am feeling much better now. It is amazing what a good nap plus give the pain killer sufficient time to kick in can do for a person....The headaches gone and I can now work on the computer and watch TV again..

I took some screen shots but they damn well failed to save .. bloody odd behaviour this.. the PC scans clean. but makes me wonder if my Firewall has been breached..

Anyways I need some hot wings with a nice Louisiana hot sauce, so tomorrow is the shopping trip to get some hot sauce and canola oil . Should I cheap out and use the shake and bake mix or make my own breading ? hmmm thinking..

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Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


I have just had to clean up, I left the freezer door open overnight.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Thanks for the advice, Orik. I'll definitely keep that in mind should something come up :)



Bored and Boring day. except when my tire exploded and proceeded to disintegrate. that was a little exciting... I think I scarreed the shit out of a couple of old ladies.. they looks shaken up at any rate.. then they shot me dirty looks Like i planned for my tire to Explode while riding along. damn thing blowing out almost killed me.. also ruined my afternoon missed the clinic in time to donate blood they were closed by the time i finished replacing it with the spare and I am not happy with the cost it will be expensive to replace the tire now.. it is bald and thread bear it needs completely replacing I swear it was new like 6 months ago but now... sighs..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik, 64 inches across the shoulders ? [img border=0 src=""]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


OOps. r3versed number PC.. almost 46 inches just short of 4 feet wide.. yeah i am big guy.. to damn big.. but what do you expect of a guy tipping in over 176 kilos.

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:

i am big guy.

  :)  some women like that  ;)  


Some men don't, but I still like Orik. The 'inner person 'is what counts.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.



I wonder why everyone takes great pains to show themselves at the height of their  'powers' when the most vulnerable people are always the most appealing. Maybe we should all start flaunting our weaknesses rather than our strengths.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
  the most vulnerable people are always the most appealing.

  Only to a point. Being vulnerable is one thing. Being sooo vulnerable that you're damn near pathetic is another and that's not very appealing at all.


??? I do not understand what you mean but think you are talking about me in some way..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:
??? I do not understand what you mean but think you are talking about me in some way..

 LOL.. actually, no I wasn't. I was referring to another friend of mine. Very sweet guy but anytime we talk it's always poor him nobody likes him, he can't get or keep a woman, he doesn't understand why girls always leave him, etc.. It's seriously annoying after a while. I don't mind a vulnerable person but he's just down right extremely needy and that's not appealing.

And no, the friend I'm referring to isn't DDD .. lol
