The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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Russ wrote:
Drink. Heavily.
   So you're advice is for me down half a glass?  lol

That's heavy drinking for me. Believe it or not, I've been seriously considering it. But isn't that the wrong way to overcome fear?


Sportsdude wrote:
The day I went to Dollywood still gives me nightmares. lol

   I hate Dollywood.

Do you have a favorite place to visit?


Russ wrote:
And another belated happy birthday to yourself Natasha..

Mines coming up soon as well actually, come to think of it.

 When is it?  and a happy one to you to!
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Loling out loud at some of Natasha's comments..  
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


A fool's paradise is better than none.


Gopher wrote:
 Yes, she's good.[/DIV]
 VERY good and VERY bad
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


  Natasha wrote:
I hate Dollywood. Do you have a favorite place to visit?
In that part of the South? US-41 from Chattanooga to Nashville and the Tennessee River system in and around Chattanooga. I've rowed that area among other things.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


A fool's paradise is better than none.


Natasha wrote:
Russ wrote:
Drink. Heavily.
   So you're advice is for me down half a glass?  lol

That's heavy drinking for me. Believe it or not, I've been seriously considering it. But isn't that the wrong way to overcome fear? [/DIV]
 Nope it is a good way .........Drink Heavily on hump day and then **** heavily
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Drinking is never a good way to solve a problem all it does is cause problems..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Sportsdude wrote:
 In that part of the South? US-41 from Chattanooga to Nashville and the Tennessee River system in and around Chattanooga. I've rowed that area among other things.

[img border=0 src=""] [img border=0 src="" width=100 height=7]  
   "River system" ? Are you talking about white water rafting? We get alot of rafters in the area I live at now but I guess I'm more of a typical tourist when I go away from home.

We had a family gathering at that aquarium in Tennesee. Well you know they have that one tunnel you can walk through surrounded by nothing but water and sharks. I'm claustrophobic so I wasn't too thrilled about going in there. Everyone's telling me how safe it is and it's not a big deal. We get to the entrance of the tunnel and there's a sign that says we aren't allowed to touch the glass because it has cracks and is leaking where the sharks have banged against it. How is that safe and not a big deal? I still went through it, even took a video but I caught myself saying "Ok people keep walking".  Then someone called me earlier this evening asking me if I wanted to go back to that aquarium. Needless to say my quick answer was "How about no."    


Orik wrote:
Drinking is never a good way to solve a problem all it does is cause problems..

 There's no doubt a small drink of something would help calm my nerves before the sky thingy to Ober so I'm definitely tempted to have something. Plus it's not I'm a massive drinker or anything. I'm not even a regular drinker. I guess I'm just worried that if I drink to calm my nerves this time then drinking to calm my nerves will become a regular thing and I don't want that.

Maybe I should just take a Lortab instead.. lol just kidding.  


I did unbelievably well in my Italian exam, best marks I've ever had.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.



 Natasha wrote:
[img]" border="0" height="7" width="100"]  
  "River system" ? Are you talking about white water rafting? We get alot of rafters in the area I live at now but I guess I'm more of a typical tourist when I go away from home.
[strong style="font-weight: normal;"]We had a family gathering at that aquarium in Tennesee. Well you know they have that one tunnel you can walk through surrounded by nothing but water and sharks.[/b]

The Tennessee River sytem just means the rivers and lakes associated to it, but the river itself is famous for the TVA daming most of it in Kentucky and Tennessee creating lakes, energy and economic benefits to the Tennessee Valley region during the Great Depression. The TVA is still around today, thankfully, but it's not as powerful as it once was.

No, not rafting. Rowing.
[a href=""][/a]

I went to the aquarium back in the early 90's after the family car broke down while trying to go over the mountain. I got to ride in a tow truck. The sharks didn't bother me as I had been to SeaWorld by that time. What freaked me out (and still does to this day) were the moccassin snakes.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
