So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Corned beef, pasta and tomatoes
A fool's paradise is better than none.


 Ohh Corned beef sounds really good right now but not in my budget..

Lunch 2 hot dogs  & 1 packet instant noodles.  

6 homemade hot-wings.. which were tough as nails...

I didn't read the small print & It seems the chicken I bought a few days back when it was on sale is the utility grade variety and those types are only fit for shredding in to salads  or sandwiches & for making stews or soups out of.  

It is no wonder they were only 1.59 a lb now I have 42 more of these worthless wings and I am not really relishing the idea of making any more terrible hot-wings out of them.  

Not unless somebody has a great recipe to make utility grade chicken tun into soft tender wings..

Of course there is always the option of making a very large batch of chicken stock, for soups and of course adding thickening agents to turn them in to stews.. but that is going to be time consuming and it should be saved for a wet cool day so the heat from the stove doesn't turn this small apartment in to a sweat lodge.
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


I can't remember what I had for lunch.

For dinner I had lasagna and steamed brocolli with cheese sauce.


I know that steaming veggies are more healthy but because it takes 2 pots and a lid, I  boil my brocolli quite often.  Having more pots/lids to wash is a huge deterrent - takes up more space in sink and counter.

  Lunch is gonna be chicken salad sandwich again.


A fool's paradise is better than none.


Home made soup.

3 large Mexican Green Onion's so large they are closer to a shalot
6 golf ball sized Roma Tomato's cut in to 4 pieces
1/2 Can of Lentils (for protein) works with beans if you do not like lentils
1 fist sized Orange pepper seeded and diced
6 cups of water
Place on medium low heat & Let simmer uncovered to reduce the stock for 30-45 minutes
stir occasionally to keep the vegetables and lentils from settling to much

once you are at half  the amount you started with it is time to add 1 Flavour Packet
I tend to use Beef Bovril you can use whatever flavouring agent you like more
I like to add a quarter and some times as much as a half teaspoon of chili powder this will make it mild to medium spicy for extra hot add 1 and a half  teaspoons of chili powder.

Now I like to crush and add in 4 cups worth of Chinese egg & rice stir fry noodles
I will stir fry for the remaining 5 minutes on a medium to medium high heat setting
stirring constantly until the noodles are no longer crisp and the remaining water is boiled away

I served mine with some Triscut crackers instead of potato chips. You can add meat instead of lentils or beans for protein  feel free to use which ever you prefer. This is a simple & a cheap dish to make it often costs less than 2 dollars to make it will make 6 servings if your  not a guy my size  if oyu are my size it makes only 3 portions
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Haddock, yes fish again
A fool's paradise is better than none.


no veggies with your fish?

  not sure what I'm having for lunch yet.  I have to buy it today because I didn't get the chance to prepare my lunch last night.


Oh yes, peas and potatoes - later had an apple as well.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I made eggplant curry after my shift.    
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Do you say "pho" or "fuh?"  I still say pho even though the other one is correct.  Fuh just doesn't sound like good soup!  

  Our dept is ordering a buffet lunch for us to celebrate the launch of new business procedures.  For the past few months, we had our business under review by 3 outside consultants.


purelife wrote:
<DIV>Do you say "pho" or "fuh?"  I still say pho even though the other one is correct.  Fuh just doesn't sound like good soup!  </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Our dept is ordering a buffet lunch for us to celebrate the launch of new business procedures.  For the past few months, we had our business under review by 3 outside consultants.</DIV>

I hate having to justify to someone what we do or that we are doing enough of the right thing. We just had that as well PL.

I usually say pho.. as in fffff  oooo. If that makes sense?

Well, just had breakfast, gave Keira a bath due to the fact she made a big messy, and now am getting on the phone..

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


How's baby Keira doing??!!  I saw her recent pic and she totally looks like you!!  Mini-Russ. :)  I don't see SS in her at all....maybe in the future.

  I know with our lil guy, he totally looks like his daddy.  :(

  Oh, tell me about it!  I am not enjoying the outcome of this business process review.  Now, we have to track our figures 3 times a day.  Supervisor checks on us.  We report anything extra that we've done that took time.  We have to time things as well.  It's all about clock watching!


Keiras doing well, doesnt like to sleep, lol, likes to fuss and stay up.
Just starting teething as well.

Well, dinner was burgers for my dad and I, and mahi mahi burgers for SS and my mother. A friend stopped by later and ate the left over burgers. lol. Ran out of charcoal as well, so have to buy some more tomorrow. No tax days at superstore this weekend! So we are going to buy some soaker hoses as well for the gardens. I hate hand watering.

I agree she looks alot like me at the same age.. hairs different though, and you can see SS in her eyes. My hair at that age was bleached white blond and had blue eyes. Now my hairs deep brown and my eyes are gray.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
