So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Good morning Lise, Van and Lil Me.

  Please do tell us the stories from the wedding.  I'm sure you'll have a grand time!

  A tourney on Sat?!  I wish you lots of luck and I'm sure you'll kick a**.  Let us know how you did.

  As for me, no plans for the weekend yet.


Morning! This weekend for me is work. Halloween was last week here and I've got my trip next weekend to the hell's gate to look forward to, in the meanwhile I've got to get stuff done.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Did you have your mid-terms, SD?  If so, how did they go?

  We have our company 'xmas party next month and I'm trying to bring one more guest through my colleague who may be going solo.  I think it would be good for her to scout the company out as she's looking for an office job and have a great time! :)  


Morning Van, PL, PC, LM, and of course SD.

Im sure you'll do good LM! Boot em!

Any news PL?

Well, it looks like another grey day..
Whats everyones plans today?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Hiya Russ.

  No news yet.  I might hear something by end of next week.  *keeping fingers crossed*    


 purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Hiya Russ.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]No news yet.  I might hear something by end of next week.  *keeping fingers crossed*[/div]   Heya PL
Congrats! Keep your fingers n toes crossed.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Thanks Russ!  *blesses*

This job pays more and the responsibilties are way easier compared to my current position.  It pays less and I have way more responsibilities.  Funny how this works.  


I kinda agree, Ive got my fingers and toes looking in other pies for work and most of the other ones seem to offer more money and more benefits in comparison to what I do.

But at the same time.. the grass is always greener on the other side.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


The question begs to be asked, Russ.  Are you even any good at making pies !

  Well good luck to both you and purelife.

  Magnificent sunrise this morn.  I think it was telling Russ to take warning.  I have several half finished projects that I hope to finish up today.  The last 40 Christmas Crackers....2 more punkies (well I hope to at least finish one) and a wedding gift to wrap. (yes....that's a project for  I've been known to take a full day)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I wish you luck too, Russ.

  and a wedding gift to wrap. (yes....that's a project for  I've been known to take a full day)

  I bet it's going to look so purdy that they don't want to open it and just display it. :)  I'd love to see a pic if you can post one.  *bless* to you for putting this extra care and attention to this project.  Not many people would do that.


Ha! I dont have a clue about a pie.. never made one.
Might be next on my list to attempt.

Well, im thinking its getting close to chili making time. I havent made a good chili in a while. Ill have to ponder on this for a bit.

I miss my cell phone. It really makes me notice about how I know nobodys numbers without that handy little device..
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Bummer Russ.  That's a good point.  I don't even know hubby's cell number, because we have a tendency to not memorize these things any more....because we don't have to.  I'm not convinced this is necessarily a good

  Did you finish your pumpkins ?      
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


thats why I carry a list of phone numbers on the back of a business card in my wallet


yeah pl I had all of my midterms, mixed. Took one when I was sick and did really well on the second. other classes don't have midterms.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I just had a sweet yummee.

I do that too, 49er, except, these are numbers of who to contact at work in case I'm sick.
