So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 Hey Lil Me.  Sorry to hear about the lip biting...I do that too, and bite my tongue...did you get teased for having a big lip?  I did... :(  MrPL and his buddy were over that day when my mouth was frozen after 3 wisdom tooth extractions.  I couldn't talk properly, couldn't eat a yogurt tube...they were making fun of me....

I agree, parking spaces in our areas are much larger than Van.  Van parking spaces are for the smart cars.      

Lil Me

Going to the Island a few weeks ago, I didn't buy much food there- only went to the convenience store near the hotel, Save On Foods in Parksville, and the post office/general store in the town where my in-laws live.  But I did notice that everyone was very s-l-o-w at processing a sale.  
 The old fart in the general store was still talking to the guy in front of me who had finished paying.  I kept inching my purchases further towards him on the counter...but he kept on yakking.  I was tempted to say something rude, but held my tongue...if the old fart got pissed off with me, he might start hiding my in-laws' mail on them.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


 [div style="text-align: left;"]When I didn't have a car, I would buy one of those carts and haul them with me on the skytrain.  You can load up a ton of groceries (heavy items too) and haul them back home. :)  Skytrains and buses were very accomodating.[/div]



 When I was spending a thousand a month on food without a car, I lost 25lbs. from Sept-Dec.
So I wasn't eating really. I just made noodles everyday for dinner and Hamburger Helper on Saturday nights watching HNIC and 4 of us bought 2 pizzas on Thursdays.

Lunch at the cafeteria was 8-9 dollars just for the 'meal' drink was another 2 bucks. 12-13 for dinner (minus drink).
Now I eat lunch for 3.75 and then on tuesdays 3.75+2.00 for a beer.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




 Michel wrote:
Oh boy, I hope the recycling bin down below is full of newspapers, I wouldn't want to mortgage the shack to buy toilet paper next week...  

LOL...speaking of toilet paper, there was a sign in bathroom stall about not stealing toilet paper or security measures will be put in place.  

I'm interested to know "what" security measures these would be.  A camera in the stall?  *shivers*




 lockable toilet paper dispensers probably.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[FONT size=4]LOL Lil Me[/FONT].  I know the general store you speak of (I'm assuming).....chatter central. is painfully slow in there unless you have all day....then it's fine.  

    SD....even with a $10 lunch, you have to work at spending a thousand bucks a month.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



  well it happen.
Second semester went overboard a lot due to Joe 'Stalinista' Six Pack Plumber and the car repairs and gas.
But hey I don't consider that bad. I've met people on the Island who haven't been everywhere on the Island so I take pride in that and I met interesting people I otherwise wouldn't have. I mean midwestern boy was toured around by hippies in Tofino or driving on that road to Telegraph Cove and seeing bears on the road. Elk cross a road in the bush, losing radio and cell signals on highways, tripping on short steps made for people of a 1800s proportion, behind the Legislative Buildings steps, Beach Ave in Vic, Bunker Hill, Ladysmith, Qualicum, Comox, Old Island Highway, Port Hardy and the 100 bald eagles on the beach, Gabriola Island, Cathedral Grove, Piper's Lagoon, Parksville beaches. Squamish, Surrey, Seattle, West Vancouver.

that was all second semester.
I don't have any regrets, although I its much cheaper living wise in Vancouver.

oh and the dollar was at 1.10 too
now at .80 life is easy.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I have a feeling that the $1,000 a month includes more than just food.  Lap dances and "personal services" are expensive.

