So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Top  of the morin' to yer all. Looks to be a nice day outside but don't hold your breath. It's gonna pour tomorrow so get out there and enjoy.

  I'm off to 'work' to clean out my dad-in-law's office. It's near completion. After 30 years of crap and more crap there's still a lot more to tidy up. Hopefully everything will get done by this afternoon. It's slow, slow, slow, slow painful progress since he's a hoarder but it needs to get done. The movers are coming in this week so he's got no choice.

  Frankly speaking, I'm glad we're throwing out crap. It feels good to clean out anything.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



It's so interesting, because online searches are hard pressed to find anything negative about the Tacoma. (except pre 2004)  Not that online searches are the be-all/end-all.....but it does make one want to find out more, when there is such a huge difference of opinion from Lemonaid.

    This from Consumer Reports.........

   [H2 class=subtitle]Compact pickups[/H2] If you want a smaller, less expensive pickup, the [A title="Price quotes from" href=" Trucks_2007 Toyota Tacoma" target=new rel=nofollow]Toyota Tacoma[/A] [A onmouseover="showflyout('/include/ads/shopping-fs/shoppingcom/2007toyotatacoma.html', 354, this)" title="Price Comparison from" href="" target=new rel=nofollow](*est. $14,180 to $24,635)[/A] gets the highest ratings among compact trucks. The base engine is a 159-hp four-cylinder, with an optional 236-hp V-6. Standard towing capacity is 3,500 pounds, but an optional V-6 tow package boosts towing capacity to 6,500 pounds. Three cabs -- a regular cab, an extended cab and a double cab -- are available. Regular and extended cabs have a six-foot truck bed. Double cabs come with a five- or six-foot bed. Gas mileage, as tested by Consumer Guide, is about 16.5 mpg for the V-6 engine in mixed driving, and in the low 20s for the base four-cylinder engine.

 The Tacoma is chosen as a Best Buy at Consumer Guide -- in fact, it's the only pickup of any size to receive a best-buy rating from Consumer Guide's editors. The Toyota Tacoma was also chosen as the best small truck for 2007 by the staff of The best reviews go to the V-6 equipped Toyota Tacoma, but if you don't need to tow much and plan to use your truck mainly as an everyday truck, the four-cylinder gets good gas mileage for a truck. The interior quality and comfort are both complimented in reviews, and the off-road proficiency is good (an off-road suspension package is also available). Handling is good, and the ride quality -- while not totally car-like -- is better than previous versions of the Tacoma. The lesser points of the truck include overall refinement and driving position, which is a little too low, according to This can affect visibility. Overall, reviews say the Tacoma is the most practical small truck, with a low price tag, even for the V-6 Tacoma.

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good morning Lise.  WOW.....30 years !  That sounds like a HUGE job.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Michel wrote:
ah cleaning, that's a good idea, maybe I should try that. lol


 You could start by cleaning your mind for a change! Hah! Take that, you dirty french fry.

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


P.C. wrote:
Good morning Lise.  WOW.....30 years !  That sounds like a HUGE job.

    Moring, Ms. PC. Yep. 30 years of stuff that hasn't seen daylight. You've no idea how much dust and creepy crawlies that have come my way. It's just gross and yet... yet, he won't let go of some things that I just KNOW he won't touch. So as a result, we're bringing them home with us. I bought containers by the truckload. Hopefully it'll contain the multi-layers of dust within for the time being.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.





  Lise....I CAN imagine.  I've been in this house for 20 years.....and I don't even want to think about what lurks in the corners.

  Michel wrote:  Wow, so much discrepancies, I'm amazed. Just like I was amazed I must admit (and so was my friend who advise me Tacoma or frontier too) to see such a low review from Edmonston for a Toyota product.

There's a lot of reports that are biaised like Edmonston explain in his book. Newspapers, magazine or TV for example sell publicity space and time to these car manufacturers hence they will never bitch nor present the things objectively. But for consumers report, I don't know.

  That's what makes the whole thing so interesting ...if not confusing.  Of course there are biases....that's a given. (of course we can't overlook the possibility that Edmonston could have his own biases as well ?....LOL)

  Soooo....we're still searching and reading, and reading and searching......nothing negative yet.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



OK.....we've come across a couple negatives. (not with the powertrain issue though)...minor complaints.

  I should clarify, that the report I pasted was from ConsumerSearch....not Consumer Reports.  Hub says he will probably pay to hear what they have to say.

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.




Rats.....can't get it to play.  Tried it from several angles, but just won't play.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Given I'm eating bran flakes while the old lady is out for breaky, lunch will probably suck unless we go see family early afternoon.   [TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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C'mon, the city is sleeping!
