So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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In car terms, we are being oppressed, there's no denying this.
Then we don't have high speed rail connections, less censorship on tv, and they have better movies.
They've got culture and we've got American mass media and beautiful scenery.

  Why do you feel it's some kind of opression to not have everything that they have in other parts of the world ?  That's so strange to me.  I feel no oppression.

  I wonder if owning a North American car THERE is a prestigious thing.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Ahhhhh.....and she looks like a Goddess.   (I like them all)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.




There's quite to none. But there's a lot of British Ford that have nothing in common with cars that Ford makes in NA. Only the name.


I wonder if they feel oppressed.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


SD Wrote:

lol its a dead pan sarcastic joke, but if you agree with the dean. fine.

  Don't confuse my opinions with anybody else!!.

I am just tired of every f*cking thing coming from you being negative and when called on it, saying it was sarcastic. I don't think you could recognize positive, even if it was laser etched on your corneas.

Have  a great day, and good luck with that chip on your shoulder!


The opinion expressed here is soley that of the writer and does not   [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"]necessarily represent the opinions of the site owners or moderators.

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The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.




  So how bout them Cowboys.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Michel Wrote:

But hey, he felt liberated and he gave me a ride, so I didn't insist too much for telling him it was not American except by name...

  Good for you! let him enjoy his happiness. Ignorance can be bliss.
The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.


The driver who pick us up has bought a British Ford, slamming on his dash, "gut Amerikanich wagen ya ya !" Pfft that was a piece of junk made in Britain, that didn't look anything like any american car. At that time (1990) it was maybe 2/3 the size of any small American car. That was pathetic. But hey, he felt liberated and he gave me a ride, so I didn't insist too much for telling him it was not American except by name...

    LOL.....well, at least it made him happy.

  Back to trucks, I wonder why Mazda is no longer offering a 4 cylinder truck.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


   P.C. wrote:
[em]In car terms, we are being oppressed, there's no denying this.
Then we don't have high speed rail connections, less censorship on tv, and they have better movies.
They've got culture and we've got American mass media and beautiful scenery.[/em]

Why do you feel it's some kind of opression to not have everything that they have in other parts of the world ?  That's so strange to me.  I feel no oppression.
I wonder if owning a North American car THERE is a prestigious thing.

American cars suck and I've always seen Europe as this more advanced country in terms of infrastructure and transportation mobility. It's a grass is greener on the other side point of view, but I've had this for over a decade. When certain companies restrict certain products that would be beneficial to their company and their consumers, while at the same time in every other market sell this product. That's economic choice oppression. Its I can't have what I really want, while anyone else in the world who doesn't live in the U.S. or Canada who can afford it, can? That's oppression.

Restrictions of any kind is oppression. To restrict is to oppress. I feel liberated here in Vancouver over public transit. I can wherever I want, have the freedom to take a bus, where ever I am. This might sound silly, but where I grew up there were no buses, they weren't allowed to come into my region or if they did, it was once or twice a day.  
Another form of freedom you enjoy and take for granted in Vancouver is your city's layout. I grew up in a place that oppressed the individual if you didn't have a car. It took you 20mins to walk out of my sprawl neighbourhood, which led to a street that was dedicated to more neighbourhoods. An hour later you finally were able to reach some sort of retail. If you didn't have a car, you couldn't go anywhere and you became trapped in your own home, a prison. That is the oppression of freedom of movement.

There are many oppressions in the world, but I believe oppression it is not just related to the political realm.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I guess I just don't see that as oppression.  I live in an area where there are no busses.  I would have to walk for an hour and a half to the nearest store.  That's not oppression to me, because I have the choice, the right, the freedom to live somewhere else if I don't like it.

I suppose I also have the choice, the right and the freedom to complain about it as well, but that just doesn't do anything for me.

  I feel cheated that we don't have Pyramids here though.  I mean....what's up with that !  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



 but you live in a rural area and like you said it was your choice. Its not realistic to expect more mobility options in a rural area. One of the main reasons people move to the rural area is just that, to get away.

I grew up in a region much bigger than Vancouver yet I never had the freedom I did as I do here.
No one should expect a public transit bus in a sparsely populated area, it's not realistic. But, when you live in a Metro of 3.5ish million and you have no options except a car (because of racial politics you probably don't understand as a person struggling or even a person with a good job who just can't afford the gas anymore. You wonder why on earth does it matter that a person of colour might take the bus, that doesn't matter to you, you need a cheaper option to get around..). When you can barely afford to own it, pay the insurance, pay the rent, pay for schooling at the community college on 6 dollars an hour and then pray that the insurance company doesn't cut your health insurance. That is economic and transportation oppression. If you live in a populated area you should have the ultimate freedom of movement.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
