So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Good afternoon everyone!

  Glad to see you back, lovely P.C.  

  Lunch is baked chicken leftovers and an apple.


Hi, Purelife. I'm sorry that I keep missing you. How's it going?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Hiya Gophie...  I seem to miss you too...  Hope you are keeping well.

Lil Me

Happy BDay Mr Sawdust!
 Had a nice long walk today on the way to the polling station and back.
 Ham and cheese sammitch, turkey soup for lunch.
 Turkey soup for dinner with bread, farmer sausage, salad.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Thanks purelife.

  Cold out there today.  Strange thing I noticed (well actually my neighbour pointed it out)....the leaves on my maple haven't turned a bit, and there isn't a single leaf fallen yet.  

  I wish I had a turkey sammich today.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good evening everyone.

Sipping raspberry leaf tea and then heading to bed.  Hope everyone is having a nice evening.  




Michel wrote:
Skytrain is totaly kaput this morning, already the stronger minority tory government is making us pay, us the toiling masses, we have to walk to our slave drivers. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="richedit/smileys/1.gif[/img]  
 Morning Michel!
 Isnt it too bad the Cons didnt get a majority? I tried to get EVERYONE I knew to vote.
 Hows everyone today? It seems pretty nice outside.. and Ive got some running around to do.
 Tried sometihng new yesterday for dinner. Tenderized pork steaks, slow cooked on the bbq, with montreal chicken dry seasoning, then covered in lots of mozzerella, bit of olive oil and tomato`s.
 Tonight Im trying to come up with something else.
 So also got a call this am.. Starfishie is now sharing her vehicle with ehr sister. Apparently her sister managed to write off her Dads cavalier which they all shared. Its not that old but both airbags went off, so cause of the cost of them, the car is now written off. So.. apparently Im car hunting again.
 EDIT: Nobody got hurt

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Michel wrote:
Skytrain is totaly kaput this morning,
   What happened?   I must've missed the action.



What time did it happen, Michel?  Damn, I wish it happened to me.

  Russ - how did your experimental dinner turn out?  It does certainly sound yummeee... I like trying new recipes.... :)



Michel wrote:
  I broke down around 9:00, came back into service at around 11:30.

I didn't think Michel ever breaks down!  

 *sigh* I wish skytrain broke down earlier.....

 How was lunch?

 I had the subway special today.


