So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Morning purelife!
I need 36hrs in a day to do all my classes.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hi SD - How many classes did you take this semester and how are you finding UBC vs Malaspina??  


200 level Geography class
300 level German lit class
300 level Art History class
100 level German language class
100 level Political Science class

Well its more 'university like' then 'high school' which is what all small universities are like.
A lot of reading, can't tell you on anything grading wise because papers and tests haven't started yet.

But the past couple of days I've just overloaded on reading to the point I can't read anymore. Then I look at my schedule and I see that I needed to read more for that specific day.

I can see why the party people in this school are engineers and science people. They don't have to read and have a lot of free time. If I hear them complain again about their one math problem a week they have to do.... I mean give me a break, I have to read between 100-200 pages a day, then write about it. lol

I've got this [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]meeting[/span] drinking social tonight, all of them are engineers so they've got a bunch of time to kill. I don't, I might stay for an hour tops, got to read. Kafka's Metamorphosis is due tomorrow. lol

I don't mind the readings, I'm actually sort of relishing the whole process. lol I sound like those super intense kids Lise talks about in the Dentistry department. (except I'm still laid back as ever, as usual)
Just don't have any free time. Any free time I'll have will probably involve biking. Then in October I'm going to Calgary for a weekend with this [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"][/span]group, which apparently is a front for drinking and a dating service (everyone in this group dates each other). lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

 purelife wrote:
 hmmmm...sounds like something I need... How do you feel after?   [p style="font-style: italic;"]Good morning everyone.  I treated myself to a pumpkin cheesecake muffin from Starbucks... sweet but good.  Time for me to bake pumpkin bread. :)[/p] --
  I feel great!  The active ingredient is malva verticella.  Pulled this off a tea FAQ:
 [/p] Malva verticellata is used, among other things, for excess mucous and gastritis. In traditional Chinese medicine terms, it works on urinary, digestive and hormonal systems, and on the bladder, small intestine, and large intestine channels.
 [/p] Basically, it cleans you out over about 12 hours.
 [/p] Anyways....pumpkin bread sounds good...autumn means time to pumkinfy.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was about as cool as a weekend can get.

  Chicken caesar salad for lunch today.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!



  Lunch was yam spinach salad.  

  I was at Staples wishing that I was shopping for school supplies for myself.... They have so many more cooler things than I used to have when I was in school....and the teachers have so many cute post it's, stickers, tags, etc....*sigh*  How did I end up working at my job when I much preferred teaching elementary like I've always wanted to do since Grade 4?!!  *sigh*  

Lil Me

Yummy....I mean...yammy....purelife.
 Heya Van.  Haven't seen you around here for a bit.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


life happens. lol

I made a tuna wrap.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

 Michel- I could give you a copy of my shopping list...but you wouldn't like it...too many vegetables.  lol
 Stir-fry is so easy and cheap to make.
 Ingredients: meat- cut into pieces, vegetables- cut into pieces, bottle of sauce.
 Serve with rice or noodles.
 Change it up with different stir-fry sauces.
 Change it to a jar of tomato sauce for an Italian dish.  Jar of salsa for a Mexican dish.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



You could even buy the frozen pre-cut veggies if you don't like chopping up veggies.

  There's always so much to clean after cooking a meal... bleh!

  warming my tummy with a cuppa miso soup. :)



I can't believe how many dishes/utensils are needed to cook something simple like fried rice with veggies/ham/eggs!!!  

  It's so hard to work when I'm staring at the desktop picture of palm trees and sunset....    


I'm also very guilty of wasting food....

  I threw away two unopened yogurt tubs because it expired a month ago.  I opened up one and yep, it was bad.  I also waste fruits and recently threw out pork ribs because I faled to cook them in time before it stunk up the entire place.....what a waste of $7.30.... I'm terrible about doing this...  

