So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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PC I agree. I always bring 2 large garbage bags with me to clean up as I go. One time at Top of the World park, two bags was not enough. Deeesgusting!!

People around or not, it would never stop me from enjoying the mountains. Other than just a view over top of the concrete and glass jungle.  
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


As a matter of fact, we did the Lightning Lakes Chain many moons ago.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Awww..there must've been some good times. :)

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Michel wrote:
  purelife wrote:
 [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]Or tell people to kindly move away so that you could take a picture![/SPAN]

kind is a very relative word...

I added the "kind" word at the last minute.  I'm not too kind about it either.



Michel wrote:
The worst is in tourists places where you have people who voluntarily go in front of you to annoy you.
   How RUDE for sure.  

  Do you own a tripod, Michel?  


 All those honeymooners from the midwest in Mexico and or Spring Breakers. lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



I guess you don't need a tripod when you have steady hands and large zoom.



Hey!  I saw discover seattle on the mountain.  

That's a very beautiful picture..breathtaking Michel.  Where is it?


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




Ok.  Then put me down as a fan of "Big Boobies."
