So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Sorry to hear that bud.. I was actually just bugging you, wasnt really serious.

  Dont worry about it, we have all been there when going to school and doing things on a budget.. it sucks yeah at the time when you see everyone else enjoying themselves, but in the end you arent as in debt and you remember all the funny stuff with clarity, lol.

  When I went through college, I ended up getting by with next to nothing, and didnt always go to the bars and parties cause I couldnt afford it. I also racked up only 11k in loans over the four years. Some of the others in my class that did go to all the parties, go to the bars over lunch and such at the end of four years had 50-60k in loans. I paid off my student loans a while ago.. they are still paying, with lots left.

  So whats the plans for everyone this sunday? Im heading to the home depot to get some lights for the patio and bbq pad areas. I hate the lack of lighting and dont like putting up the portable construction lights we have, they always seem too bright and get knocked over by someone thats three sheets to the wind.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


clean, research for a paper, not get sick.

yeah Russ, I dunno about parties, they're just not my atmosphere. I like "older" or as my roommate says "intellectual" parties where 10 people sit down around a coffee table and talk, intellectually. lol Going to clubs and bars, I just go eck, boring.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Hey!  I'm back from BC Place- Lions game and Scouts sleepover.  It was another loud, bright, cold night sleeping on the turf...but this year I managed 4 hours....with people constantly running over you and soccer balls hitting your sleeping bag...  All the kids there had a wonderful time :)
 Hang in there SD.  Glad you went "out" and had some fun last night.  If you're looking for an "intellectual" element at a house party or dorm party, try the smokers outside.  There's always a fair bit of chitchat there.
 Sounds like your friends are happy to have you home, Russ.
 Now I'm home and showered and changed...I HAVE NO PLANS and it feels wonderful.  Time to veg.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Man, I wish I had times when we don't have to plan for something. Like be at home and do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. *sigh*

  We went to Science World yesterday at the last moment. Gotta use up our Entertainment coupon before it expires Nov of this year. Was pretty packed at the place but the kids had a blast. I'm quite surprised to hear Science World has an adult only pass at night (for a limited time) where you've got to be at least 19 years old to enter. A silly concept. I mean Science World is for kids... what adult would wanna go there unless you have children of your own?

  Bought pumpkin yesterday. Gonna carve it today... maybe.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Have fun with your pumpkin!
 Lise- I think a lot of adults have an interest in science, but avoid Science World during daylight hours because of the masses of screaming kids.  And they're gonna have a bar open.  How kewl is that?!  I'd take a date to Science World...
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



since when were smokers at parties interesting to talk to, they're main conversation is who they're going to f that night. yawn.

my idea of a party is 10 people sitting on the couch talking drinking wine, talking about music, theory, politics, life, etc. Not "eh, want to f" conversations. Guess I'm too old for the university crowd.

Adult passes to Science World sounds so much fun.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good afternoon everyone.

Today is a "get errands done day."  

You guys slept on the turf?  OMGBLESS +1!  :))  I hope that you get to catch up on your sleep, LM.



sleeping on the turf actually wouldn't be too bad, its not astro turf which is just carpet on cement, eck that stuff does a number to your knees.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

 Sportsdude wrote:
since when were smokers at parties interesting to talk to, they're main conversation is who they're going to f that night. yawn. my idea of a party is 10 people sitting on the couch talking drinking wine, talking about music, theory, politics, life, etc. Not "eh, want to f" conversations. Guess I'm too old for the university crowd.
 SD- this is going to sounds "parental", so I apologize, but I think it's important.
 It's really important to talk to lots of different kinds of people in life...and not dismiss anyone who isn't "intellectual" enough.  You have a lot of interests (music, sports, travel, current events, etc.) that can start a common dialogue with just about anyone.  When you finish college and start a career or business, you will be EXPECTED to have good interpersonal skills if you want to succeed.  I'm not asking you to like everyone you meet, or want to spend vast amounts of time with every single person.  But please learn to communicate with the proletariat.
 One more thing...don't take yourself so seriously all the time.  Believe me, I'm NOT telling you to go get trashed at every opportunity, but I don't want you to kid yourself about people.... a lot of influential people (writers, politicians, theorists) like to party...  and they certainly did when they were attending college.  A friend of ours goes to Whistler with David Suzuki... who likes to party like a rockstar.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Er..... SD's idea of adult conversation isn't my cuppa tea. I mean, I like adult conversations in general but your kinda view is kinda.... bland. For me anyways. I'm sure there are more intelligent people out there who would love to discuss about politics, wine, whatever. As for me, I'm more about babies, kids and gossip. (eg. did you know Briteny hates wearing underwear? No way! Yes way!)

  I bet Michel would love to take a date to the Science World adult only time. Be quick about it though, it ends sometime in November. Not sure when but you can always check out their [A href=""]website[/A]. (OK, I checked their website, it doesn't say when it'll end but I do know it's in November because I saw the sign. Call to ask)
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Some really good pearls of wisdom there, SD. I'd pay heed to her words.

  What's up with Russ' avatar? Is it broken??
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.



Hi lunchers.  I have been 'away' for a few days.  Looks like it has been awfully quiet around here.  How was everyone's weekend ?????

Gotta respond to this one......

SD wrote.....since when were smokers at parties interesting to talk to, they're main conversation is who they're going to f that night. yawn.

my idea of a party is 10 people sitting on the couch talking drinking wine, talking about music, theory, politics, life, etc. Not "eh, want to f" conversations. Guess I'm too old for the university crowd.

  Sorry to say so out loud SD, but your gross generalization has hit an all time low.  This is just such a load on so many levels IMO, that it has almost left me speechless.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


OK.....I'm caught up.  (That didn't take too

  WELCOME HOME RUSS !!!!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

  I see you have registered Gentle Fawn......Welcome !

  Lil Me....probably hasn't sat down since I was here last.  I bet she even posted as she was flying by the computer.

  How goes the new job Miss Lise ????

  I LOL'd at Michel's trip to 'the friendly ghost town' (lol, gentle fawn)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
