So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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As a lazy guest I love cut and paste :

   I feel so left out.....*sigh*



Sometimes it's nice being lazy...I do it all the time!  
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


Hep ! Something in common hehe !


So....I can't wait for August to roll in...mmmmm chilliwack peaches and cream corn on the cob smothered in butter lightly salted and peppered

  *mouth watering*

someone have a tissue?  
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


 lazy is my middle name.

Awesome ISIS!!! love long weekends got any cool plans?
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I can't wait for august either!
*passes tissue*
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


You need more lube Isis, not tissue.  Tissue would just wipe away evidence and leave it dry...and clean. *shivers*

  Yep, I'm outta here soon too!  

  I LOVE chilliwack peaches n cream corn.  JELUX!    


I plan on vegging out...gotta save the money for Vegas...can't wait...Flipping the calender soon...then it's going to look real!!

  Plus, with the weather the way it's a stay at home kinda weekend

  how bout u?  
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


*peels off shirt...anticipating purelifes lubed hands all over*
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


me? buying a plane ticket and just getting ready for the move and working. My work doesn't stop for holidays.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 *peels off shirt...anticipating purelifes lubed hands all over*

  Oh no no no, go away week end it's finally getting interesting in here lol [/DIV]



  the Goddess get's frisky towards the end of the God, he really likes it...
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


Here Isis, put on this black negligee.  


*slips into the sexy attire*

  that better?

  ....I'll pose in dirty positions while someone takes pictures?
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "please", then I'll say "no" because its shorter than "Yes"


I'm so confused and excited that I nearly introduce that cut and paste   *peels off shirt...anticipating purelifes lubed hands all over*

by mistake in the text on which I'm "working" now.


