So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!  I agree!!!!!!!  Haven't thought that way before...but...better something than nothing at all.  I hate it when you get free plays....especially if you don't win...what a waste of time LOL...I don't gamble though.


I must find out what's happened to my reply page......all my 'goodies' are gone. ???

Well I'd sure like to hear more from whoever it was that said vendors scan all the scratch tickets before putting them out.  That would certainly explain why I used to be able to keep myself in scratch tickets on-going for ages on the winnings.....and now when I win a couple bucks it's rare.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



What the Haitch ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I know that where I am at...they don't scan them...maybe strait from the lotto dealer though?

P.C. it Miss Pitt.

On my Post Reply page.....all the options, like bolding and italics....coloured text etc. are gone.
Just a little ol box.
I keep selecting Rich text, but it keeps defaulting back to normal text.

I think I'll log out and log back in and see what happens.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


good idea...LOL...tried to reply back to you here..using the big reply...and my puter decided to reboot all on it's own.  Not appreciating that because of the recent power a really bad flashback.

Lil Me

Morning P.C. and PB!
 It's a fricken fracken morning. My car was broken into last night and ah need to get a side window replaced this morning.  Nothing taken, fortunately.  I have a nervous stomach and -don't laugh- I also drank some cleansing laxative tea last night, so that doesn't help matters!!!
 My entire family is obsessive compulsive, but I can usually turn it off (as evidenced by my messy office).  The OCD behaviour starts as a response to stress, and it's starting!!!
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


not laughing...but please don't post in three's LM.  I would say goodmorning...but it sounds like a tough one for instead...STRONG MORNING!!


Russ wrote:
purelife wrote:
LOL..thank goodness you were near home, right? ;)

I start throwing up if I drink too much or get an extreme headache...not fun.  Hmmm..I might make myeslf some herbal tea as well.  Thanks for the idea. :)


 LOL!  Last time, I wasn't drunk. ;)  Nice try, mister.  You wouldn't want your carpets stained.  I know my limit.   hee hee...

Good morning everyone!  OMG....FREEZING... I hope that it gets warmer as I will start to whine even more when I'm out on the lake at night.  I'm such a pussy when it comes to the cold.  I'd much prefer to be in bed under covers or something.

 Sorry to hear that Lil Me.  Did you have any valuables in the car for them to take?  Yard work does sounds lovely Ms PC with the lovely weather we have.  



Hey, I noticed that the original poster can't remove his/her own topics.  That's neat. :)))


I don't have a limit because you'd go broke trying to get me drunk. ;)

oh thank god the air raid/tornado sirens went off, gosh those things are annoying. (first monday of every month the turn it on. I have no clue why they turn them on in the summers, they're on everyday with tornado warnings, lol)

good morning all, I'm getting some sleep. My sleeping pattern is all goofy.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


goodmorning SD...goodmorning PL


morning well I'm fading here, so good night for me for a few hours so probably west coast lunch time I'll be up again. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I don't have a limit because you'd go broke trying to get me drunk. ;)

 Not if we hit you with the strongest Vodka ie. 70% alcohol and plus.  Liquer from Spain and Italy will knock you right out!  Strong strong super strong stuff!


 Morning Ms Pit.  



and you would know this how? ;)))) here I thought you didn't drink ;))))) :) lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
