Are current DV mods fostering ill will?

Started by Moolah!, Jun 06 06 08:04

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Sportsdude - I'm fine for you, eh?  Does that mean there's a chance?  

Chicklet - Thanks young lady.  

  I'm used to this now.  Before, ie. a few years ago, I wasn't.


Yeah, you probly are. Problem is I'm a generation younger, oh well.  But I've got the same problem. All the girls I've ever known are in the mid 5 foot range.  Grew up with a girl from my church who was from india they listed her as 4'11 but I swear she was nowhere near that.  Being a foot taller or in her case 2ft taller kinda sucks.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


purelife wrote:
I'm used to this now.  Before, ie. a few years ago, I wasn't.

It's called growing up and getting more comfortable in your own skin.  It'll happen to you too SD, I promise.
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


SD, how old do you think I am?  Geesh, you're not that much younger than me.  ;)  


Chicklet with words of wisdom.  Totally agree. :)


Yeah that's true.  When I played football or basketball people expected me to naturally do things that tall people in that sport were able to do i.e. (dunking).  But the problem was that I wasn't naturally tall. Going into my freshman year of high school I was 5'9 and then going into my sophmore year I was 6'4, then next year 6'6 and so on.  I went from this skinny little kid to this giant monster.  Took a toll on my body thou anytime you grow a foot in 4 years and gain 80 pounds something is going to happen.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


late 20's, early 30's like everyone else here, pl.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That's interesting SD.  I'm sorry to hear that.  You'll meet that special girl one day.  I'm sure.

  You know, the funny thing I get asked is "how did you get so tall?"  Was it eating a lot of meat?  Playing sports?  LOL.  I just laugh.


I'm 26 turning 27 in the summer.


Sorry Raging Poodle.  We have hijacked your thread to talk about what is more interesting.  tee hee....  


well I'm 7 years younger then you. I'll be turning 20 in july.

  They always said I'd be tall but only like 6'4. And they said I would be lanky but they must have been drunk when they thought of that.  Never could cut it as a soccer player. Plus having no cartilidge in your knees don't help either.    
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I hope that in the end, you're happy with who you are and your height, SD.  You sound like a very intelligent and a mature guy for your age.  These are good qualities that a girl looks for, well, for me at least.  

  What sports do you play now?  I'm planning to do the grouse grind soon with co-workers.  Shall be fun.  I absolutely enjoy b-ball, v-ball and baseball but haven't played for years.  

  Cool, your b-day is coming up soon!  :)


 purelife wrote:
I'm 26 turning 27 in the summer.
Goddamn, now I really feel ancient. I have shirts older than that.  (sigh)
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Ugh. I get that "you sound intellegent for your age" all the time. I could always get along better with older people but kids my age are just plain dumb and not on the same hemisphere.

What sports do I play:

Use to play baseball, football, basketball, golf and tennis in high school

Grouse Grind looks fun.

Been rowing for almost a year although I haven't been able to go rowing for about 3 months due to an injury which I'm getting looked at tomorrow.

Oh and I love to bike and ski.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Ugh. I get that "you sound intellegent for your age" all the time. I could always get along better with older people but kids my age are just plain dumb and not on the same hemisphere.

Sorry.  I know how you feel.
