So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 purelife wrote:
 I thought you felt more like home here.  I guess not anymore, huh?

My majority of my social group graduated and moved to different continents. It's been slow going to find a 'new' group as I've gotten to the age where I'm tired of attempting to talk to new people (only meet people through friends now) etc (this is quite common in upper years). So I haven't been out and about in the city and factor in where I live (which I particularly loathe) it's not fun.

I've gone weeks without leaving campus. I haven't been downtown at all.

Regardless, there's more trees in the Seattle area. (by this I mean evergreens and other pines). Reminds me of the Island.

And Mt. Vernon has a 'farming feel' re: 'warms the country boy in me' to it. It's autumn, there's orchards and stuff down there. I wish I could find those here, but I've failed thus far. Then in the spring the farmland is all tulips, pretty thrilling.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


At home again!

Was a great little trip.. hoping like what others said that the foot in the door will turn more permanent.

I was in Ortona, Italy. I went to a canadian war memorial there.. I will try to find pictures when I find my camera when I unpack.. It takes your breath away how well cared for this site is. Its beautiful.. touching and sad, but VERY well groomed.  Theres a tank in the middle of the town. Apparenty this place was one of the biggest battles for canada in WWII.

Well, dinner last night was my turkey din din.. my parents are over as my dad is getting a knee replacement surgery in a few days. So starfishie and myself are contemplating running away to the island next week during her time off, lol.

Other than that.. i am thinking about homemade burger patties for dinner tongiht. Along with copious amounts of beer..

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Welcome back Russ!  I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures when you have a chance.

Morning everyone!  Since I have some energy, I've been preparing frozen meals.  So far, I have two meals of chilli.  Gonna make meatballs and sauce and some muffins to freeze.  Then hopefully, off to Costco to buy the big bag of Kirkland frozen veggies and green beans.


Yes...welcome back Russ !  BTW....what was the weather like there, this time of year ?

What a good idea purelife.  It's good to take advantage of the times when you have the energy...even when you're not  There are so many times after working so hard in the yard, or on a project, I just don't feel like cooking.  Freezing up some portions of lasagne or spaghetti sauce or chicken pot pie is perfect for those times.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I wasn't gonna freeze any meals because I was assuming family/friends would come over and lend us a helping hand but I don't know if anyone is going to bring us meals for the first few days.  Nobody mentioned anything. :(  I also miss my car so very much.



I tried a new recipie ( not the one below but a different one... home made chicken balls shredded chicken pressed into balls they get battered and breaded then  they are deep fried to cook them then tossed in to a pot with bbq and hot sauce tossed liberally to coat well... failed badly... my breading fell apart in the oven.. my batter pooled... perhaps oven baking wont work on the recipe I tried.. but the one following seems like it could be fried or baked and I will try it in the near future..

next time I will use this recipe

Home-made Chicken Nuggets (makes about 40 small balls)

175 grams (about a cup and a half) cooked chicken meat ( author used a mix of dark and light meat) (I will probably use thighs)

1 1/2 slices of whole wheat bread

1 egg

60 ml (about 1/4 cup) chicken broth

1 heaping tsp dried sage (I will probably substitute with chives or green onion)

dash salt

90 grams (about 2/3 cup) bread crumbs for coating the balls
Butter for frying - several tablespoons

Put the chicken, egg, bread and sage in a food processor and process until you have a fine meal. Gradually add the chicken broth, until you have a meat paste that will hold together but is not too moist to hold together. You may need slightly less broth or you may need to add a tablespoon or so of water to get the right consistency; it depends on how dry your chicken meat and bread are. Taste the mixture and add salt as necessary.  See points 1 & 2

( #1. I would not add salt untill after I have cooked it. Then it can be salted to the preference of those eating and not that of the chef. #2 why risk getting sick by taste testing (salmonella from raw eggs is a risk) )

Melt a few tablespoons of butter in a non-stick frying pan until it froths. Using a small teaspoon, scoop out a small amount of meat mixture and form it in a ball. Roll it in the bread crumbs and place it in the butter. Repeat until you have filled the pan with balls. They should not be touching. As the balls begin to brown, turn them to cook several sides. If you get impatient - or they all start getting done around the same time - you can simply give the pan a few shakes to turn them all a bit randomly. Because of the egg, you'll need to heat them all the way through. When they are cooked through, remove to a sheet of paper towel and repeat with the remaining meat paste and breadcrumbs until they are all cooked.

author prefers to fry, I my self wonder what these would be like if oven baked worth considering for sure..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


 P.C. wrote:
Yes...welcome back Russ !  BTW....what was the weather like there, this time of year ?

What a good idea purelife.  It's good to take advantage of the times when you have the energy...even when you're not  There are so many times after working so hard in the yard, or on a project, I just don't feel like cooking.  Freezing up some portions of lasagne or spaghetti sauce or chicken pot pie is perfect for those times.

Thank you PL and miss PC for the well wishing back.
Weather is very nice.. not cold but cool at nights and warm during the days. The last day I was there in my two week stint was when it rained.
Other than that.. it was a good time.

Ive never saved up meals like that.. I usually overcook amounts of meals, but they get eaten within the next few days by peoples looking for lunches or midnight snackies. I should really think about that.

Ive never tried making something like that orik.. I will admit, its tempting as I have a deepfryer. I normally buy the french fries or breaded chicken strips or nuggets and then throw them in the deep fryer for ten minutes. Hm.. just thinking I should check my deep fry oil as its been around 8 months since I used it.. and they last for 6 months in the fridge.

Well, dinner last night was good, it was homemade burgers.. with cheese and ham on the patties, and fried onions and mushrooms for topping. I filled my burger, took a bite on the one side and the whole kitten kaboodle came out the other down my front and into my lap. Brilliant.

Tonight I was planning on bbq'd breasts, but starfishie stopped me and informed me we are heading out to a friends for dinner and drinks. So I cant predict what we are eating for dinner.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I don't do the freezing thing too much...mostly because I'm not fond of most foods after they're frozen.  Some things freeze better than others.  (also, I don't have a freezer...and the fridge freezer is not efficient in freezing foods properly)

I regularly do a huge batch of spaghetti sauce and divide it into portions for two.  A great quick meal when nobody's up for cooking.  Lasagna freezes well.  Soups or stews freeze well...but the potatoes in them don't.  I'm always looking for stuff that freezes well.

Tonight we are making bison burgers.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hi Orik, Russ and P.C.

I hope what I made freeze well cuz I don't like freezer burns.  I made some pork meatballs in tomato sauce, chilli and muffins.  I'm a bit skeptic about the muffins.  I just placed them in a ziploc freezer bag and the other meals in rubbermaid containers.  I've never really frozen meals before so hope that I'm doing it right.  

Lil Me

You did good, purelife!  Your meals will be perfect, especially since you're planning to eat them within a month or so.

  How you feeling?

  Ran errands and went to work for part of today.  Homemade pizza on easy bake pizza shells for dinner.

  I'm trying not to panic *yet*.  I have so frigging much to do before the end of the month.


A backlog of financials and GST returns for 2 companies.

Strata AGM.

Co-ordinating 2 major fundraisers for Scouts.

Possibly co-ordinating the Remembrance Day parade for the city *gulp*

Parent teacher interviews x2  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein

Lil Me

ADD: purelife, sorry to hear about the loss of your job.  Mind you, the timing was probably good now that you can spend a bit extra time on EI in preparation for the BIG DAY.  It would have really sucked if you had to spend long hours at work all the way until late pregnancy, then to have your work hound you for information/favours/advice etc when you were off on leave.  HUGGGZZZZ.

  This way, you're better prepared, better rested, and taking good care of your health for you and baby.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


BrbQ Chicken thighs today. Hunts Bold bbq sauce with a dash of french mustard and 8 tablespoons Louisianan hot sauce to give it a kick... potato and cheddar perogie's  with ranch dressing and  vanilla ice cream topped with hot fudge & burnt almond pieces ( now why they call them burnt I don't know but they're good)

only the chicken is scratch.. the dessert is bought..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Thanks Miss Lil Me.  I've never had such an extended time off in between jobs as I was always used to working one job after the other.  It has been nice to have this time off.  

I'm feeling calmer than I was before.  I've been having the urge to just bake.  I could bake all day long of cookies, muffins and bread.


Lil Me

Nice!  Your house must smell lovely.

  I did the same thing before the birth of Heckyl.  I'm not a baker, and had never baked so much in my life (..or since then!)

  Speaking of non-baking, Safeway blueberry pie for dessert!

  Happy Diwali everyone!

Butter chicken (actually, "soy milk chicken"), rice and vegetables for dinner.    
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Guess what guys?!!  My water just broke at 12:15am.  And I'm exactly 38 weeks today so it looks like I won't be seeing my ob/gyn today as she will probably come see me instead.  We're waiting for our ride and off to the hospital.  No intense contractions yet but I'm sure they will start VERY soon!!!  I guessed this baby's birthdate of Oct 20.  I'm close!! :)  Wish usluck.  
