So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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I won't go into detail about my sex life....but I can assure you that there is nothing to be jeolous about, I think.

  Sex isn't always on my mind, quite honestly.  How about you, Some chick?  

Some Chick

The only sex life I have is the one I entertain my SELF with.  Unless I want to do the whole booty call thing, which I prefer not to.

  And I do think about sex a fair ammount.  Probably almost as much as a guy.


I wonder if it's guys who think about sex more or the ladies?


yeah but it sucks when everyone talks about it and you have no idea how to stay in the conversation. For example I'm doing a bunch of British lit right now on love. I have no idea what love is. Never even experienced any of it. You name it I've haven't experienced it. Last time I even had a friend that was a girl was in elementary school and she moved back to england. This subject hurts me.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I'm sorry SD.  I won't talk about it.  I feel bad and sad now....

Some Chick

Love...  I remember that.  I recall it was fun for awhile.


I also think that it takes a long time to really know what "love" is even if you have been in a few relationships.  Sometimes, I'm not really sure if I'm really in love or I just care for the person.  It's rather weird.

Some Chick

I sometimes think that what I've had in the past might just be it for me.  Maybe that's all I get!

  That would suck.  It's nice to have someone that gives a shit if you're sick.  I miss being looked after when I have a cold.


I'm so green when it comes to love that the song that represents me a lot is the U2 song "baby face".

  Hell look at me. Couldn't watch the 40 year old virgin because that basically is a refection of me. Minus the toys and video games. 20 and never even kissed a girl. I'm a disgrace to mankind.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Some Chick

Well there must be a reason.  You're either selective, or the right one to bother kissing hasn't come around.

  I've kissed a lot of toads.  They stayed toads.

  [img height=175 src="" width=279]  <<< My last quasi boyfriend.


SD, you're not a disgrace to mankind.  I didn't even kiss until very late in my teen years as well, just 3 years under you.  I believe that everything happens for a reason, well, maybe not everything, but if it's meant to be, it's meant to be sort of thing.  I hope that I make some sense.  I suck at giving out advice but I like to listen.  :)

  My problem is allowing someone to care for me because I'm so independent.  I can take care of myself financially and health wise.  I have to learn to let someone say, "let me take care of you."  

Some Chick

I'm so sick of looking after everyone else.  All I want is someone to look after me once in awhile.  Not financially, I don't mean or need that.  I just want a guy that ... gets it.

  My problem lately is that I've cared more than the guys that are just looking for a f*ck buddy and walking away has been very difficult.  I'm still wickedly attracted to one of them, and I have to stay completely away or I'll be getting naked with him and then my feelings will be hurt.


 I sort of dependent. I'm fine left alone but I need to confide with someone. I swear the more I talk the more I sound like a girl. I've got issues it seems. Have you ever met someone who can't go to a movie that involves some type of girlfriend because he'll become depressed afterwards? well thats me.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I've never been in the situation of having a f*ck buddy or needing one but I know that I would never go to that route because sex, to me, is an extremely personal and spritual thing.  I wouldn't be doing it with someone that I didn't intend to have a long-term relationship with.  Once sex is involved, the relationship goes to a personal level where someone could get hurt.

  Sportsdude, I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but I'm sure that the time will come.  Change can just take a while.

Some Chick

It could be worse.

  [img height=250 alt="Fart joke" src="" width=300]
