So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Glad you're feeling better Lil Me.  Sounded dreadful.  (jeez, the cursor on here strobes....drives me mental)

  So you're all moved purelife ?  Yeayyyyy!!!!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

  Nothing exciting going on here....but it's been nice to get out into the garden the last few days.  The eagles have been screeching up a racket all week.  Must be time for some eggies soon ?  I love to watch the baby eagles learning to fly.

  Russ....never a dull moment at your house.  Have you ever considered running a bed and breakfast ?  You would be perfect at that !

  Well....back to surfing for my wine glass.  Everybody put their earplugs in....I feel some hyphenated words coming on.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

Having fun in the garden, P.C.?  Any word on the septic tank situation?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


P.C. wrote:
 Glad you're feeling better Lil Me.  Sounded dreadful.  (jeez, the cursor on here strobes....drives me mental)

So you're all moved purelife ?  Yeayyyyy!!!!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="[/img]

Nothing exciting going on here....but it's been nice to get out into the garden the last few days.  The eagles have been screeching up a racket all week.  Must be time for some eggies soon ?  I love to watch the baby eagles learning to fly.

Russ....never a dull moment at your house.  Have you ever considered running a bed and breakfast ?  You would be perfect at that !

Well....back to surfing for my wine glass.  Everybody put their earplugs in....I feel some hyphenated words coming on.[/DIV]
 Well, if it makes you feel any better PC, I thought I was doing a brilliant thing and buying this style of beer mugs from Ikea.. cause they were cheap and my friends are a bunch of drunks that like to drop things. After two weeks I go back to buy more and Ikea no longer has those ones and have changed style. I was not amused.

  Ha PC.. I appear to run a bed and breakfast with all my friends that happen to pop by and crash the night without any notice.

  Well, we ended up standing at the line in Silvercity looking at all the movies available thinking.. they all suck. So we ended up seeing 'Jumper'. It was "okay". A renter not a theatre type of movie.

  Oh.. we also decided on cuba for this sat, coming back on the next sunday. Then we still have a week to trapeize over to the island and do the one end to the other visiting relatives. Starfishie is ecstatic for some reason
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Oh man.... Russ is gonna go to Cuba? Can you please pack me into your suitcase???? I need the beach and sunshine like stat!!!!!

  Waaaaaahhhhhh....... I need a holiday. *hiccup*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Totally Awesome, Russ!  And the best thing about Americans!
 Morning Lise!
 I think my seasonal allergies are starting.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


NICE RUSS !!!!  So glad you're going to get there afterall.  I have a friend who goes to Cuba regualarly...she loves it !

    I laughed about your beer glass dilemma.  I find that with almost everything these days.  Nothing is ever in stock for longer than a season.  I guess it's all a part of the master plan for us to spend spend spend....more more more.

  I normally don't get my knickers in a knot over things getting broken, but this set of beautiful wine glasses was a gift.  They are quite beautiful and I know they weren't cheap.  It also was the only matching set of tableware that I had. I'd really like to replace it and get a few back-ups
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



Russ is going to Cuba

well %^&@!
I'll probably never get to go to Cuba.

i've got what seems to be a small sprain in the ankle this morning or cramp.

good morning all

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Van Dude

Lil Me, why is it good that there is no Americans in Cuba? Are Canadians better? (psst...this is an American website too)...SD is American I understand too!

  I will just say, everytime I have been in the USA, I get treated better and find people are very friendlier, than when I am hanging out in my own hometown of Vancouver.-

  Cuba is gorgeous. Havana is a crazy town. I liked Holguin too. Holguin is quiet and good if you are on a honeymoon or something. If you are into nightlife, Holguin may not be for you. Not a rum fan...until I had Cuban rum!!


I wasn't going to say anything, but is our glorious leader TehBorken. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Van Dude

(shhh...pc, that is why i am being so positive towards Americans...the leader is watching...)

just kidding.

  Seriously, I love Canada, but love our American cousins too. I love their hospitality, football, movies, music, concerts, etc. I also love camping at Chelan in Washington, GORGEOUS!!



Morning all! I sept in after the Starfish crept out.. I feel guilty lol.

  Today is read a bit more about Cuba, but we think we have most of the info we need. Although we know when we want to go, we are waiting another day before booking because the prices for the flights and hotel deals have dropped 300 since when we first started looking. We are more than likely heading to Varadero.. I think? We will be taking a trip into Havana for a day or two. Lots of pictures!

  Nothing wrong with Americans.. I agree with everyone. But I also see what LM is saying Tongue in Cheek.. its not FLOODED with tourists from closeby. Although it does seem to be flooded with Canadians.      
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



What a nice trip Russ.  Have fun!  

  Morning Gophie, Russ, LM, SD, Michel, PC, Van Dude...

  Don't get me started with Ikea!  Some of their things are great but others that require assembly is a piece of cr*p!


Mornin' Purelife, I'm glad to hear the move is over and done.
A fool's paradise is better than none.
