So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Traditional in what sense, Michel? Am I missing something here?

  Good evening people. Seems I'm missing out on a lot of stuff here at DS-ville. These past few days have been interesting. For one thing, the power went out at UBC so everything came to a halt for at least 30 mins. The students were starting to celebrate the fact that they were gonna go home earlier than usual then the power came back and we all had to shift gear. But ever since the power went out, the computer's been acting up (cannot print request forms) and the guy in charge of the computers went AWOL. I guess he's had enough of students and staff complaints. I would too if I were in his shoes.

  Then today... just 20 mins before I leave for home, the fire alarm went on. And of course, like a dutiful and responsible staff member that I am (haha - note the sarcasm) I went out the building in my lab coat and scrubs with an exodus of students following me. (pretty darn clever considering I know nothing about fire codes and what the hell to do since I'm new.... ) Students were like "where do we go?" and I'm like, "How the frack should I know?" K... so I'm gonna go out the entrance and before I knew it, I was leading my flock to safety. [FONT color=#ff0000]Now I know how Moses must have fel[/FONT]t.

  Anyways, NOBODY in the staff room actually left the building in a hurry because they all went to their lockers, got dressed and then left for home. Not me, no sirreee, I had to be the ONLY Dispensary Staff who actually stood with the students. On the plus side, I got to meet this totally HOT HOT HOT FIREFIGHTER. OMG. He's so damn cute, with them gorgeous eyes and brilliant smile. Teh Lise had to ask him if she and the rest of her flock could return to the Land of Milk and Honey but he shook his god-like head and said not yet. Well, OK... just as long as I can stare at him while I wait.

  Then we all get to go back, I had to make a dash to close up everything which my co-workers left but at least I can now say I know what to do when there's a fire alarm. The new Lise Rule: Run like hell to your locker, grab everything and screw the fire rule.

  So that's my day.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


gentle fawn

[span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 255);"]MM.LIES!!!111!1!!111!!1!11!! OMG WTF HAD FIERM3N FOR LUNCH DINAR AND DESART[/span]  

Lil Me

Evening everyone!
 pumpkin purelife- sound like you're having good food today!  You had your Xmas party already?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Wow.....sound like an exciting workplace Miss Lise.  I guess it beats a boring day anytime.

  I just caught that too....Christmas party ???   Was the organizer confused ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

  Happy Thursday !  It is pouring this morning....holy cow.  There is a small river in my driveway.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Sorry ladies....I should've been a weeeee bit more clear.  OMGIT"S raining PUMPKIN! ;)  

  Ok, back on topic.  'xmas party hasn't happened yet.  It will in about 2 weeks time.  We had to select our first and main course prior to attendance.  One of the first course was roasted pumpkin and apple soup with nutmeg creme fraiche and pumpkin seeds.   Sounds miammee, huh?  

  And this morning, my coworker brought in pumpkin ryveta crisps thingee.  I've gotta get meself some of those.

  I've just been hearing about pumpkin, eating pumpkin lately.... gotta a...ddd...ddd some sardines!  :P


Lil Me

Morning pl and P.C.!
 Raining pumpkin!  Oh no!  
 Sounds like a lovely Xmas party coming up, purelife.  Wish my company had one of those!  lol  *sniff*  Well, I shouldn't complain because the boss takes me for lunch at the pub when he's around.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


weekend is here!

Any plans for the long weekend? I got 4 day weekend.hehe

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"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hi LM and SD.

  I think I just missed you by a coupla minutes... :(

  It's gonna be at a hotel this year...our first!  That's nice of your boss to take you out. :))  



Do you have any plans besides studying, SD?  For the rest of your life, it's all about studying and like someone else mentioned, researching.  It never ends for the profession you want to head into.  You would always have to keep on top of the ever changing government rules and regulations.      


i find that stuff fun. lol

don't know yet, about the weekend. Something could happen don't know. Probably stuck here. boo
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



I think it's time I do something with my life ah ah !

Journaling is good Michel.  You can gather it all in a few years and write your autobiography.  Now THAT'S useful stuff !!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


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