So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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LOL Lise, I havent seen 300 yet.. lets not go there. lol.

  And a big hullo to the miss Pitbully and SD.

  EDIT: Crap. Missed the Voluptuos Missty Purelife!

  Ack, I still have to unload the truck from the trip this weekend. It looks far too difficult with the rain.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


English accent is so damn hot. *sigh*

  EDIT: Where's tenkani? I miss him.

  EDIT 2nd round: Have to go and get a quick shower. Take care, all!  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Russ wrote:
LOL Lise, I havent seen 300 yet.. lets not go there. lol.

 By the way............300 is already available on the net...........  

  [A href=""][/A]  


You can download it from the net now?  

  Bye miss Lise.  


I started this on the last post and the fawkin thing went blank and lost my post. So did the last one and now Im working on this one...

  Im too lazy to unload my truck still.. feeling a bit crappy again and the truck is outside covered in copious amounts of mud and its raining.. LOL, the beers still cold in the cooler though.

  This weekend was great.. other than getting caught in traffic on the sea to sky highway on the way up. We were completely stopped on the sea to sky hwy for 20 minutes at one point. The sign person was telling jokes over the radio to the other person. I saw nothing being done the entire time we were stopped. We went in behind Pemberton again, we along the Forest Service road again without anyone really breaking down (too bad), we hit snow in whistler then again in Pemberton.. it went away from the treeline then we hit it again at Sloquet. We were the only ones up there (six trucks/4runners and 15 people total), until the second night when a pair of guys in XJ's from Kelowna showed up.

Hotsprings were awesome with no hippy freakish nude people again, I guess the snow scared them away. We went out the Harrison way behind the Sasquatch Inn by Lougheed Fwy, and went through three major washouts from the melting snow, lots of trees down as well, luckily all our group is in heavily modified and lifted vehicles so we drove over the boulders and trees that were down without having to move them

I found out my nice big chrome rear toyota bumper wasnt as strong as I thought, lol. Starfish and myself were the first group up there, as we got tired of waiting for the others and headed up first to make sure we got spots before others took them.. it was pitch dark (of course) and my reverse lights suck.. add on to that I couldt see out my back window and my mirrors were covered in mud and it was dumping down rain. Ok, lets just say it was pretty crappy out. Anyhow, the snow was about 18-22 inches in some parts, like where I was trying to back through to set my truck up beside my tent (I could run a 12 power cord from the cig lighter to an electric blanket and such then). So, Im in 4 low with the hubs locked.. trying to back up between trees, stumps, and boulders with the very noticable and loud miss starfish guiding me so I dont hit anything.. For those of you that dont know us, she's not that noticable or loud.. especially on that night. So, Im giving generous amounts of the skinny pedal to get momentum through the snow (note: 35" MTR's arent the best in the snow) and Starfish moves to get a better view.. right behind the truck. I get close to a tree.. and she begins waving madly for me to stop. Can we see the problem here? lol, not yelling, just waving from behind the truck where I cant see. lol. Lets just say that its um, a little noticable lol.

Also, heres a little tidbit of info that might come in handy.. After you set up a tarp, keep careful note where your friends (who are more than likely a little bit on the two sheets to teh wind side of drinking at this point, I mean come on! Youve been there about an hour move the firering to and where the pooling water from the tarp will dump. Otherwise theres a distinct possiblity that the fire will disappear in a puff of healthy lung choking smoke/steam as if Merlin the Magician waved his magic wand around with a big KazAAm!

Also, when you have been camping with the same group of people for a while.. you know we dont go slow over the logging roads with teh bumps, we go no matter what... You dont have to try to keep up as you know where we are going. So stop bringing glass bottles of beer that arent even packed from breakage then yell at the rest of us cause they broke! lol! I mean come on! It happens to at least 1-2 of them EVERY time, theres a reason that the rest of us pack up cans of beer and glass bottles of booze in rubbermaids.

  LOL, there was lots of good times.. I wish I had a camera so I could show you some of the funny things. Oh, and potato cannons are great. Just make sure you bring enough potato's and Starting Fluid.

It was finaly sunny in the last day.. on the way out, lol. We tried a sun bringing dance around a fire the day before. I guess it mustve worked.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


What an adventure Russ.  Sounds like you had a hoot.   In a weird way, I miss my hiking/backpacking days.....(and then a night at the Fairmont reminds me....LOL)  Seriously though, those were some fun times.....and you sound like you make the best of every moment.  You'll always have good memories no matter what happens.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Thanks PC.. yeah, even with crappy weather you might as well have a laugh still. No matter what happens have a smile on and dont get too worked up.

  The only real hiking I do is from my truck, to the beer cooler, fire, beer cooler, hot springs, beer cooler, tent, beer cooler, outhouse, truck. lol.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Well....I always say, a change is as good as a rest.  Pics would definitely have been good.

  Is SS into scrapbooking?  You've got some great material that would be a lot of fun to look back on in the future.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Theres lots of pictures.. not by me though. SS has some and so does my brother.

  I honestly just found out last night that SS does do a virtual diary/scrapbook. She wont let me read it though.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

sounds like a wonderful trip, Russ.  How are the roads in the summer?  Could I get back there in my Subaru- cuz we don't have a truck right now.  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein

Lil Me

Hi Peeps

  Word to the wise- don't go to Science World during spring break week.  Was going wiggy after a few hours and quite ready to leave.

  What's for dinner?  Fish, veggies and carrot/apple salad over here.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Lil Me wrote:
 sounds like a wonderful trip, Russ.  How are the roads in the summer?  Could I get back there in my Subaru- cuz we don't have a truck right now.

 You will be fine, they are crappy right now cause of the washouts and snow melts. They are FSR so the ministry of highways takes care of them.. the logging companies also use them, theres potholes and the usual logging road things.

Dont do the whole leg, you wont do too well the Harisson side, too rough. Theres creek crossings as well that way. Go in the Pemberton side, and you can go right there. For family camping, I would seriously suggest going to Skookumchuck. 5 bucks per night, theres campsites with outhouses, garbage cans, and firepits with wood service. There's hot tub tubs there, and they are maintianed, its natural water from a close by fissure.

  [A href=""][/A]

The only update is that its no longer owned by the Tretheway Family. Our illustrious government bought it from the Tretheways who had the impression it was going to be made into a government run park.. they gave it to the overcompensated Natives instead. Its still open though, a few friends of ours went there on the way to sloquet. From the Pemberton side its like 46km in along the mainline FSR, and Sloquet is at the 76km mark along the mainline FSR. St Agnes/ Skookumchuck is marked, Sloquet is not and you have to go in like 8 km along a windy roughish road once you turn off the mainline FSR.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


well...I just popped back in to let lise know that The Holiday was a pretty good movie...Jack Black was decent too...though he has creepy eyes..LOL.  He started to get quirky and irritating but the movie kept him in check.  The main characters were more Cameron and Jude...was good for a girly movie!

Lil Me

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein

The Penitent

Woe unto you that are full, for ye shall hunger. And Woe unto you that laugh now, for ye shall mourn and weep when the Great Whale doth rise from the depths and consume mankind body and soul.
