So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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we are both tired from work...he is just back in from the we are trying to fit into the same house together amicably...LOL...just takin it movies..bed soon.


I'm the same way as well, PC.  Not sure why. It could be that we're most active during the day because as soon as I get home and change my clothes, I'm super relaxed.  And don't feel like eating. :)  


that is a good thing though right?  The whole not eating after seven...


 most definitely.  though, I do cheat on Fridays. :)  I can't believe how quickly this week went by though....  

ADD:  Any plans for the weekends anyone?


LOL...might sound negative...but my week has dragged.  Had xtra days off that I am unused to and I don't feel that I have accomplished much...LOL


It could be that we're most active during the day because as soon as I get home and change my clothes, I'm super relaxed.  And don't feel like eating. :)  

  I think that's IT purelife.  As soon as I relax....I'm OK.  And I suppose it is a good  thing.  (mind you, I'm sure I consume more calories in a cocktail or
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


LOL...totally agree....that is the secret to not gaining weight....don't eat if you are going to consume alcohol?  LOL...too true...only for a little bit though!


I felt kinda weird being at home too in the evenings when I usually work.  They've been decreasing my night shifts.  :(  really need teh Raging Poodle :(
I had to find things to do.


blech...time was spent on the puter here.  Almost could feel my bum growing!!LOL


 [HR class=hrcolor width="100%" SIZE=1]    [DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"]LOL...totally agree....that is the secret to not gaining weight....don't eat if you are going to consume alcohol?  LOL...too true...only for a little bit though!


 Definitely a case of 'pick your poison'.....and some nights the real poison appeals to me more than nourishment.

 I hear you purelife.  I think the later I work, the more my desire for food diminishes.  Just give me a glass of wine.

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


call me a does just fine for me...has to be specific though! LOL


Drat !!!  Never developed a taste for beer.  Always LOOKS good when someone else is drinking it from a frosty mug...with condensation dripping down the side....mmmm...looks yummy.

  But it just doesn't work for me. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


hey everybody back from working out.  Was on the stationary bike on alpine setting for 30minutes burned 300 calories, biked 14 miles lol.  When I got out of 24hr fitness it started snowing lol.

Day 2 of my diet plan is pretty much the same
salmon sandwich and carrots and other veggies + milk
fish+salad+corn (tomorrow is corn day)+ water

desert: apple

workout: peanut butter granola

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


my workout was cooking 33 double burgers on a bbq tonight.. is that good for a workout?

  I cant believe I can formulate a sentece still.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


LOL Russ.  

We just finished watching V for Vendetta.  EXCELLENT MOVIE!  :)  

Wow, SD, you're eating like a bird. ;)  
