Disgusting is all I can say about turnips and the idea of parsnips makes me want to be sick.... Not one of my favourite vegetable's I would sooner eat 1 full cup of Brussels Sprouts before eating 1 teaspoon of turnips or parsnips... just so every one knows, I hate Brussels Sprouts and normally use the dessert spoon as a catapult to fling them little round disgusting vegetables as far away as possible..
Just to give you an idea of how much more I hate turnips. Another vegetable I also dislike would be the Zuchinni or squash. Some vegetables are horrid beyond horrible and my top 5 dislikes. Turnips and others of similar family Beets Rutabagas parsnips. Brussels Sprouts Zuchinni,Squash, Boiled Cabbage ( raw cabbage is fine ie salads and coleslaw.) boiled the smell is vile and the flavour not much better. Cabbage rolls on the other hand Delicious cabbage can be strange some forms it is edible other ways I can't stand it..
I wonder if I am allergic to something in these vegetables and I hate them with such a passion because of it.
Can it be possible to be allergic to certain vegetables and fruits with out knowing it and the reasons you can not stand to eat those said fruits and vegetables because it's the way of your body defending its self through dislike or of it is all just all in the mind... < gonna go ponder this while I go to my old job site to see if I have a spare tire there I seem to have broken another Axel....
Lunch will be whatever is being sold at Quest on Hastings Street sometimes they have some amazing product. most of the time it is not very appetizing but for those with low incomes it is a nice place to shop if your not overly concerned with due dates..