woot military coup d'état! sounds like that place is alive with life. lol
That guy on CTV Canada Morning that Seamus guy he's from around there somewhere. Apparently his town got a stop light when he was in his teens, it was a big event.
random google pic searches of labrador city
[img style="width: 349px; height: 523px;" src="vny!://www.winterlights.ca/App_Images/AdminImages/Image/WLC%202006-07/Labrador%20City%20NL%20%284%29.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 443px; height: 332px;" src="vny!://www.stylizedfacts.com/coruscation/ReturnfromLabradorCity004_02.jpg[/img]
[img style="width: 563px; height: 290px;" src="vny!://image02.webshots.com/2/9/75/9/51497509YCQsMH_fs.jpg[/img]

Place looks awesome. When I graduate I want to take a remote location job for a few years. I've always been into extreme out there locales. People that know me probably wouldn't be shocked if I didn't do something in their view as 'crazy'. lol