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Messages - Van

G'morn. Just getting ready for a road trip and wedding in Red Deer this weekend. Other than that, I finished a contract, now I am going to celebrate.  A little biking, and then a little rum (not at the same time..)

  cheers to a good midweek.
That sounds yummy Russ!!

  Yes, the wedding should be interesting. I like bikers. (not necessarily Hells Angels style), but a good old biker I could sit and talk to all night.

  And yes, good old Red Deer. You can be a yuppie, hippie, biker, or cowboy and all find yourself at the same watering hole. LOL.
My favorite tea is...COFFEE! Gotchya!!
Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath

  Love the flute, classic guitar, vocal combo. Fantastic early 70s groove.

  Sirius 14, Classic Vinyl
I refuse to eat fast food. I won't support places like McDonalds, Burger King, DQ etc. They are poison and an insult to the human race!

If I want a good burger, I will go to my favorite local pub and get one of the best burgers money can buy. They actually use real beef and chicken!!
Gooood Morn.

I agree PC, about being a bad shopping buddy. Mind you, I am bad when it comes to anything to do with the mall. Horrible place!!

  Lots of coffee, and another busy day for me. Just about wrapping up a project for a client and I am going to take a break from work next week and play a bit. Next weekend (Nov. 1) I am going to a wedding in Red Deer. Sould be cool. A biker is marrying my cousin, she is a elementary school principal. Crowd should be fun.
Hi PC!

  Yes, I don't mind working. The alternative is not as friendly. Looking at what is happening in parts of Canada and the US, I have no problem with work. As long as I have my coffee and music, I can go go go go all day.

Life is good, as long as you play harder than you work.  

 Just in work mode this week. This weekend I don't have much planned. Hopefully good food and see a few friends.

 Ahh, I miss the university days. I don't miss being stuck in town back then though. Not much good a great transits system did me when it didn't take my a*s to Revelstoke for biking and skiing.

 I can't imagine spending $1000 on food for one person? wtf? Oh well, to each their blah blah blah...

Lots of work to do.

  Good day to all!
Hi PC!

  Yes the Tacoma is pretty good. I use it more for recreational type use though. I don't really push it to the limit with hauling has a good stereo.....does that count?? heehee..
Hi all!

Busy times with my work. Lots of goodies to finish up before the winter season.

  I don't know much about vehicles. But I can say I love my Tacoma. It is only a couple years old mind you. But it is a sweet ride. Hopefully after another 7 years from now I can say the same thing.  
I am not a big fan of M&M meatshop. I tried their shepherd's pie, HORRIBLE. Their cabbage rolls tasted like nothing but salt. I guess when you take the time to cook and prepare your own meals, places liek M&M's don't make the cut.
These are fun. They aren't scary like someone running a red light and coming towards to scary. More entertaining like a movie. They are usually just a bunch of college drama students.

They are more cheesy than scary.
Yes, I hope so too. It seems after duty and such, it should still be a good deal. If not, I love this shop down there. It is like nothing I seen in Canada. Spokane is a nice place. Big enough to get good music. Small enough the traffic doesn't suck. Just that damn Hayden Lake area gives it a bad name.

  Cya guys.

I actually have a decent road trip planned. Heading to Spokane tonight. I am meeting friends from Alberta there to visit our favorite bike shop. I am due for a bike and they are having an end of season blowout. I will save over $1500 so the road trip pretty much pays for itself. Then we are going to hang out around North Idaho for a bit, then I will make my own way through Creston, then Kootenay Lake, then my mom's in the Okanagan for Thanksgiving Sunday.

Back into the city on Monday...bleh!!

  Have a good weekend.