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Messages - Devil

I thought eating out would keep you young?? HA!

Cool! I am going to the USA on Friday. I won't feel like I am from a third world anymore!
All I know is, the company I am with, and all our competitors that are non-union, pay much better than the union level. The benefits are better too. In BC and AB.

I seen too much crap go on in unions. Lazy bastards!!!  
OMG! Big Beautiful clouds coming into town...So amazing...I think I have a tear in my eye! *sniffle*

  Chicken, roasted potatoes, and steamed veggies at one of my favorite restaurants today for lunch.
I think unions suck, but to each their own. That is my opinion.

  When you get some real world experience in unions vs. non-unions, come back and we can discuss more.
Beautiful morning here. The heat is gone for a couple days. Supposed to only be 25 or so today. Shuweet temp!    
Sportsdude wrote:

I've never understood the anti union folks, the unions put pressure not only on the corporation's work force they represent but for all workers everywhere. If it was up to the corporations you'd have no rights, no benefits and you'd be treated like shit. It's a fact if you don't like it or not, the benefits you have as a worker came as a result of union pressure somewhere, sometime and at some place.
  I am not sure what it is like in your neck of the woods for unions vs. non-union positions. From my experience, I have been in union and non-union jobs. The non-union workplaces I have been at win every time. Where I am at now, a non-union place, the employees benefit tenfold!!

  Yes, I am sure unions had there place in the history books, but they have gone too far. I have seen sh*t that happened in the unions that would make you puke. The laziest workers I have ever met. Everybody is whining about "what is coming to them"...people doing the bare minimum just to get by.

  Being in a non-union environment, the decent workers get rewarded far beyond any benefit of a union. Comparing wages we pay, we will go above the union rates to keep good employees, and provide better benefits. Good employees are gold. Lazy asses need to wake up! The lazy ass workers, get booted to the curb! The decent workers don't have to put up with red tape preventing some asshat from getting canned due to his union dues being paid on time and being well represented.

  Please spare me that unions create "middle class".   That is BULLSH*T!!!

  Anyways, I am speaking from my experiences in Western Canada, I have no idea what Missourri is like?

  I hope Vancouver people take their garbage to the union leaders house, and dump it on his front lawn!
It is cool to hear positive things about your work purelife!

  Lunch was pizza at a pub with a buddy.

  No worries about me spilling the ending of harry potter, I would rather read an ingredient list on a box of cereal.
I used to hate tomatoes! Now I can't get enough.

  I used to love Mac n' Cheese as a kid, now it makes me gag!
It was beautiful!

How was your weekend pl?

  I am off for lunch now...and a stroll..I will stop by later.
Now it is Monday and I am back at work, I would trade a bit of sun for some rain.

My yard is starting to look like a sandbox.

  Yumm! A co-worker brought in some homemade salsa, what a good Monday morning snack!

Sounds cool P.C.!

  I love the heat by a lake...stuck in a city working is another story...oh well, life could be much worse. Also, its only going to get hotter...and hotter...and hottter....
but then if that happened in the book, I would probably like it.
Hey buddy!

We camped and swam...swam...sat in the water...and swam some more. It was too hot to go too far away from the water.

Oh, also took time to cook some food and sleep too.  
I am not sure about Vancouver, but in Calgary, they make a lot more than $40,000 a year. I am sure it is close to $30.00/hr.